Konoha and Kidnappings

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"What's this?"


"Ooohhh! What's that?"


"Mm that smells good, can you eat it?"

"Keira, I swear to Kami, if you don't shut up, I will kill you." The navy haired ninja picked up the young teen up by the collar, pulling her away from the shop and back to the path.

"Takeshi, I am willing to go to very extreme lengths to see everything possible before we reach Konoha" Keira's brown, hazel flecked eyes bore a curious determination, crossing her arms, although it was mostly redundant by the fact that he now transferred her into his arms and was holding her like a baby.

Takeshi's bright green eyes flashed dangerously at her.

"So far, we have made more than 6 unnecessary stops and if we don't hurry, we will be late."

"Who decides if they are unnecessary anyway? It was my idea to come back here anyway." She grumbled trying to roll out of his arms fruitlessly, "My past can wait an hour, just let me explore for once!" She sighed dramatically.

"I let you explore all the time!" He replied in his defense.

"But only if your breathing down my neck!"

"It doesn't help that you have the attention span of a squirell!"

"I don't even like nuts though!"

"What I am saying is that someone has to be the dedicated mature one!"

"I am mature, I can be serious if I need to be! I am a ninja!!" Pulling out her kunai, she flipped out of his hold and ran in the direction of the large Konoha gates.

"H..hey!!!" Takeshi yelled, dashing after her.

"What if someone recognizes you!! He is still looking for you!!!"

A confident laugh was her only reply as she turned and did a back flip, sheathing her knife one step from the gate.

"Hellllooooo!!! Can we come in? I am a ninja looking for shelter!" She hollered, cupping her hands around her mouth.

"Ughhh, what a drag, state your name and business." A lazy, disinterested voice called out to her left.

"Oh! Hello! My name is Keira and this is Takeshi! We would like shelter in your village, oh and to meet your hokage!" She ran and leaned over the the little shack where a certain pinapple-haired ninja lifted his tired eyes to meet hers, not really noticing who she was.

"Yeah, yeah, that'll do, you will have to wait a couple days for the hokage to come back from his conference." With dramatic sigh he opened the gates and finally absorbed some of her finer features, recognizing that classic grin he thought had long since been dead.

"Wait, w-what did you say your name was?" He looked up at her and she smiled delicately, turning so they faced, her underneath the opening of the wall,

"Keira, Keira Satoshi" she waved and before he could grab her, she was off in the village, followed closely by her panting friend, leaving him with more than a few questions.

"It can't be" Shikimaru muttered, knowing that he needed to find out, not being to even muster the energy to call it a drag.

"Keira died"

*Back to Keira and Takeshi*

"Sugoi!!! Look at all the food!" All around Keira there were different shops of all kinds, fortunately most of them had the wonderful smells of culinary arts being practiced.

Right on cue, her stomach growled, excited by her surroundings. Pointing her nose in the air, she closed her eyes and focused.


A ramen shop, two meters to her left, one boy sitting on the far left bench.

With one victorious fist pump she hopped on the bench to the right, only about a foot from our favorite knuckle head ninja.

Smiling she waved to the owner who grinned back kindly, taking her ramen order quickly and turning back around.

A loud slurping made her look sideways at the blond haired teenager.

Suddenly it was like her world crashed to a stop.

This whiskered, blond hair guy, about her age, looked so familiar and she couldn't look away as he turned, widening eyes connected to the girl he fell in love with, a face he could never forget.

"Keira.?." He whispered, dropping his chopsticks, she nodded and reached her arm towards him, slowly, losing control of her memories, flashing pasts with the friend of hers, up until her death..

"Keira!! We have to go!" Takeshi pulled her back, halting any thoughts, her memories she had just seen, dissipating, falling back into her locked mind. Falling back, wincing at the sharp rocks which scraped at her back and extended hands, shocked at Takeshi's rough actions.

Naruto immediately reacted to her pained face, pushing Takeshi off her.

"What do you think your doing?" Takeshi shouted, getting up in his face.

Keira just sat there, staring at her cut hands, dazed and confused, Naruto.

I don't know him. Do I?

Takeshi is always so gentle with me, he never hurt me, not even on accident, he looked so frantic though.

These thought dashed through her confused and scared mind, as she looked blankly at Takeshi then back at Naruto.

I know his name, why now?

She looked pleadingly at the blond boy, as if he would have the answers.

Taking that as a request for help, he pulled a shuriken out and picked up Keira, forcing his opponent back with a spin of his shuriken and dropping a smoke bomb smoothly.

Between the sudden change in enviorment and smoke, Keira did nothing but stare at Naruto, somehow elated for what seemed like no reason.

But to her, it sort of felt like coming home after along journey.

And maybe, Before her memory was lost, this was home.


Keira is home.


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