I do.

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Keira POV
"Sorry guys I got caught up on the path of life" Our White haired Sensei appeared in a flurry of smoke, sitting atop the tree with his trademark grin.
Hopping down, we stood looking up at his lax figure, faces alight with anticipation.
To be honest, I am kinda nervous, I havent known this team long and don't know really why I feel so familiar with them. I barely even remember their names.
Owww, just thinking about all these questions without answers hurts my head.....
"We have to make the best of training today, because tomorrow, we have a surprise evaluation by the leading clan in the village."
Sakura gasped dramatically, geez, gimme a break "But Sensei, why all of the sudden?" Her teal eyes filled with worry.
"Sakura, I haven't really been to school long so I wouldn't know, but aren't evaluations just like the pop quizzes we had at the academy?" Just as the words left my mouth, my head started its normal throbbing, ugh.
"Well yeah, but....." She gave me an odd look, stopping mid sentence. "But how would you know? You just got here.."
"Anyway" A pointed look was shot in her direction by Kakashi, extinguishing the flicker of hope I thought I saw in her eyes, my head gradually calming down.
"Due to our teams....." He stopped, looking for a word. "Hectic past, the prince of clan himself will be reviewing our team."
"What happened that made our team so important to them?" I raised my eyebrows in curiosity, I mean, we all have interesting pasts, Naruto having the tailed beast and Sasuke is the last of his clan, going bat crazy after revenge, taking power from a pedobear he is so bonkers.....
Oww! My head, how did I know that? Does Sasuke really betray us? Why would....?
I bit my tongue and tuned back in, clearing my mind of thoughts to examine later.
"Well," After a long pause, Sensei took a breath. "Its a long story and...."
"A former teammate died because of our mistakes, its our fault she is dead and...." Sasuke outbursted loudly, staring me down.
"Sasuke." Kakashi strict tone rang out and Sasuke made a pained face, disguising it with a scoff.
"Oh, I uh. " I frowned, shouldn't have asked that "I'm sorry for your loss" I turned to Sasuke and looked apologetically at him, as he hastily avoided eye contact with me.
"I have to meet the other team leaders about the chunin exams, I will leave you to train by yourselves" He laid a hand on my shoulder, guess I looked too confused, I was a little upset, I mean, who wouldn't be if they were a replacement for a dead girl?
"Don't worry about it, Keira" He gave me a sincere close eyed smile "She is still with us, where it matters most"
He touched his heart and tapped my forehead, "Even something as big as your memories is still within reach." And then he was gone, poof, of to his meeting.
"Weird" I mumbled to myself, walking over to Naruto who was hollering like a maniac at Sasuke, while Sakura tried to calm them both.
"...coming so SHUT UP!!" Sakura finally slammed her gist against Naruto's head as I arrived. I sighed and shook my head at Sakura, now peeling Naruto off the ground.
"You could try to be more tactful yah know," I inspected his bruised head as he sat grumbling, arms crossed and face scrunched.
Sighing I stood up, holding my hand out to him, "So, your friend, what exactly happened to her?" He looked up in shock and then sighed, bangs covering his eyes.
"She..." He scowled and met my eyes, then turning away.
"I get it, I'm sorry, it must have been recent..." I looked down, geez, your the untactful one Keira.
"Its not that, just..." I looked back up, his cerulean eyes swam with past memories, I wish I could hold that kind of look.
"No, forget about it, its a tender subject and it was wrong of me to pry" I smiled, blushing a little. "I'm here if you feel like talking though"
He grinned and scratches the back of his head "Hehe, yeah. Now cmon! Let's get stronger!" He had his brave face on, my hand fist pumped in the air as we made several lame poses.

*time skip*
"Ugh!!!! So tired!!!" I hollered, shuffling my feet, behind Sasuke on the path home, Naruto had went and left me with the grump for brains so he could keep training, I could handle Naruto, liked him the best, but Sakura whined the entire training and Sasuke had the attitude of a snapping turtle.
"Could you just shut up!" Sasuke hollered, turning around, anger marks popping up on his forehead, finger pionted across at me.
"Please, can I have a piggy back ride?" I made a pouty face and begged
"No" he stated automatically, turning around and continuing his pace.
"Urgh, yes!"
"No" I frowned and growled, "Stop with the reverse psychology!"
"Baka," he snickered
"Fine, whatever" I crossed my arms "out of all the people stick walking home with" I mumbled, speeding up so I was ahead of him, the faster I was home, the better, I have to write this all in my diary.... So many more questions..
"Eek!" I felt myself getting lifted, strong arms underneath my legs,
"Don't say anything" Sasuke growled and I bit my tongue, not utturing a word, content with just relaxing my arms around his neck, snickering quietly.
"What's so funny?" Rather that asking sincerely, he was almost mocking me, but I blew his usual attitude off.
"Well, I think, that you aren't half the bad guy you think you are" I gave him a close eyed smile as he scoffed.
"Whatever, I just didn't like your complaining." He blushed slightly and frowned
"Hehe, ok, whatever you say" I closed my eyes briefly at the sunset and laid my head on his shoulder, feeling at peace, exhaustion catching up to me now that I stopped moving.
"Hey, Sasuke" he merely sighed in reply but I knew he was listening
"What was you friend like? The one who.. Was in your team before me?" He tensed and I immediately felt bad about asking
"Sorry, you don't have to answer that, I just," I took a breath and moved my head to the other side, sighing tiredly "I wanna know what I have to love up to, so I can really fit in with the team.
Silence ensued for a solid five minutes, as we finally reached the river on our way home.
"She had the ability to make you care for her." He finally spoke up, his level voice startling me, "You could have only met her once, and feel like you have been friends for years"
"She could get on your nerves, and drive you crazy, that dead last idiot"
"But she was loyal, and too kind, and that got her killed" he hissed and took another breath slowly
"Selfless, and fearless, stupid, a moron, weak, willing to do anything for you,"
"She was...." He slowed down his walking pace and frowned, searching for a word.
"Beautiful" He stopped all together, my mouth hung open, Sasuke was so out of character, did he really say all that, and about a girl too!?
I swallowed, suddenly parched and suprrised, "Did you.. Were you two.. Did you like her?" He stared at me, then scowled at the ground.
"Naruto loved her, Sakura wanted to be a strong as her, Kakashi was proud of her all the time," He started walking again, Sasukes feet becoming the most fascinating thing in the world to him now, he dodged the question entirely, he must have liked her, the way he is acting.. It's so weird, but I kind of like this other side of Sasuke, what kind of person to make him this way...
"I will have to fill her shoes then, its gonna be a lot of work, but I'm sure..."
" You could never live up to her" His deep voice was heavy with sadness and I suddenly felt like, no matter what I did, Sasuke would never see me as even close to equal to an amazing ninja like her. Like I shouldn't even try.

The rest of the walk was silent, each one of us too caught up in our own thoughts to voice them aloud.

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