Part 21

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Part 21


Arnav moved forward, pulled her hand cupped her palms in his and almost whispered,

"Then give me.."

Khushi looked up at him confused. Arnav nodded, and asked again, "Give me those rights Khushi, will you?"

Arnav eagerly awaited her reply. He had not planned it to be like this. Not that he had planned anyway. Even though such thoughts had raised in his head, he himself wasn't sure when to put them forward, but now it had happened most naturally as events unfolded themselves and he didn't regret it. Not one bit.

Khushi sat rooted to the seat. She couldn't think, rather she couldn't believe what he asked her. Did he really say what he just said? Am I mistaken? She looked into his eyes, which were full of anticipation.

Slowly but gently, she squeased her hand out of his while he let it slip. Calmly gathering her things, as if nothing had happened, she looked at him. He was holding his breath, still waiting for her reply. And for once he knew he had to be patient.


After she had got her stuff ready, and after she had gathered her thoughts, she spoke with a tinge of laughter,

"Arnav ji. You are from a different world. I think you are mistaken. You have been brought up in a different country and in different environment. In my world, it means totally something. Probably you don't even know it's meaning, and you wouldn't like. So don't talk like that please."

Arnav was left unprepared. Whatever it was, he wasn't prepared for this. How dare she dismiss him. Of course he knew exactly what it meant.

"Khushi listen" anger stared to bubble through him, but he was careful enough not to show it to her by gritting his teeth. Patience, cried his head.


Khushi who had already opened the car door turned to him, "Arnav ji, see I have got my bangles, please keep the rest with you, I don't want to take it there " She pointed to the hospital. "I will take them some time later."


Arnav sat in his seat dumb. When had she put her bangles, when had she taken her things and opened the door, why didn't he notice anything? He still sat looking at her back, while she walked slowly, taking cautious few steps. She turned behind and relaxed seeing him in still sat in car, before making a run towards the hospital.


Arnav smiled. In spite of what she had said, he knew what was running in her head. Unacceptance. She just wanted to refuse to believe.


Khushi rushed straight to the temple in the hospital. She needed some space. Her mind was blank. Literally blank, she didn't know what to make of his request. Does he really know what he is asking for? But how can it be.

After sitting with friend for a while, Khushi got up, "Chal Khushi, get on with your life, they are hi fi people, well he is, he will not even know what is the meaning of those words. Yeah it was a play of words, that's it. Strange man."


"Khushi what has happened to you? Giving your phone to the doctor when he asked for papers, giving Amma the papers when she asks the phone, where are you lost." Khushi, jolting back from her thoughts asked, "kya?"

Hitting her forehead with her palm, Payal exclaimed, "Nothing can be done with this girl. What is it? Did you have a long day? "

Khushi apologised and took the cue, " Haan jiji, a very long day. Really long. " she tried to give a fake yawn that wouldn't come.

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