Part 7

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Part 7

"I will never ever fast in my life. How will my fast bring good health to my non existing husband" it was the 26th time Khushi was grumbling at the top of her voice.

"Jiji, what was the use of asking her to fast. She is still a child." Shashi smiled looking at her antics.

"You keep quiet, its all because of you she is now sitting on top if your head, she is 22, all her friends are getting married and she is still a child. Yeh lo... sanka Devi (take this ). Only your Devi maiyya can give you some buddhi. Payaliya,... " Buaji blessed her handing her a Sari.

It was a beautiful gift from Buaji. Red sari with orange thread work for Khushi, Payal's, a green sari with yellow chicken work.

"Buaji, who said I will not fast. I will fast every teej. Tel me about other festivals, I will fast on those days too.." Khushi hugged Buaji until she shouted. "Oh Parameshwari, are planning on breaking my bones.. leave me.."

"Oh Buaji, I can't reach them don't worry, your Nand kishore has given you hatta katta good health" Khushi ducked and ran, before Buaji could smack her.

"Buaji. That reminds me, you are still young and jawan, Anjali ji was asking if she can find someone, shall I talk to her for you" Khushi winked at her father, making fun of her Buaji, all the while admiring the sari, removing the folds to see the work on it.

Folding the washed clothes, Payal, laughed at her sister, "Pagli (silly).."

"Be serious about somethings at least Khushi" Garima slapped her shoulder. "Was it for Payal, What did you say to Anjali."

Payals ears shot up.

"Amma, don't worry, I have told her not to proceed. Though she is very sweet, you know what their circle is. All high fi, with loads of money and even more than that - arrogance."

"That's good Khushi because I don't want to get married now. Let us settle properly before we can think of my marriage. I want to help Babuji and Buaji in their business " Payal moved to the rooms carrying the folded clothes to stack them away in wardrobes.

"Oh Shashi, look what these two..." Buaji stopped. She knew he was not listening. After one broken, Shashi was a wise man. He knew things would happen, all in good time. His new sweet shop next to happy ji's garage had started taking a solid foundation. He wanted to give his daughters the best. Not a spineless creature hidden behind his mum asking for dowry.

**************"Khushi, the temple is so busy. Have you got your mobile. Don't sneak around and go eating. Just a few more minutes now.. " Payal paid the autowala while Khushi searched here and there, not aware of what she was looking for.

"Jiji, you go ahead, I will meet you near the pigeon stall. I will buy the things for the prayer." Khushi already stood at a stall, leaving Payal behind to make her way.

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