Chapter 1 pg 2

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   I stood patiently by the stop sign, playing with my fingers, as I waited for the bus to arrive. The wind softly blew causing bits of hair to get in my face, to which I would part behind my elf like ears. I sighed, it was taking a while for the bus to get here or maybe I was just be impatient. I then heard foot steps approach me, and then stop right by my side. I looked up and saw a boy who was much taller and slimmer then I was. Im assuming that they also go to the same school as I do. I say this cause they were wearing the same uniform as I was except it was blue, the original color it was supposed to be. The boy had dark blue skin with hyperpigmentation, back thick coily hair and his nose was that of the hands on a clock which were red. He stood up straight and had a very serious, and honestly kinda angry, look to him. He's honestly probably the kind of person I shouldn't mess with, hes definitely giving of the whole "teachers pet" kind of vibe.
"Do you mind?" He said in a deep and stern voice, I seems he noticed I was staring at him.
"M-my apologies!" I stuttered in embarrassment, I think it was awfully rude of me to have stared at him like that.
"I don't recognize you? Are you new here- uh no, your uniform seems different..." He said, it seems he does not realize I got to the same school as him. I dont blame him I did change color of the uniform.
"Oh, um, ya! I'm new..I wasn't much fan of the blue uniform, so I changed it..."
"A trouble maker it seems.." he huffed, looking away from me now facing the road once again.
"Just try to stay out of trouble okay? Don't want to get sent to The Garden on your first day."
The Garden? I didn't really understand, so I just awkwardly nodded. We stood together in silence, and I was honestly staring to get nervous, that is until the bus came. I sighed in relief as the bus doors opened, although the bus was a bit odd looking. The bus was a pastel purple color, definitely very different from the regular yellow color. I let the other student in first, and followed after. The other student took a seat in the very front, next to another boy who was had very light blonde hair. He also wore big black square glasses. I kept walking forward near the back of the bus, trying to find an empty seat without making it look like I wasn't trying to find one. I panicked a bit when I couldn't find one, but did find a seat that had only one person in it.
"May I sit here?" I ask, to which they did not respond properly because they were wearing headphones. I was about to tap them on the shoulder when someone from behind ripped of the boys headphones.
"Hey Larry, this boy wants to sit next to you." The person who had ripped of Larrys, im assuming that's his name cause he was just called that, headphones had short rainbow hair and a pastel pink dress which was the uniform given to females. She was awfully short, shorter then me even. Her whole body appeared to be black except for her face which was white, kinda like paper.
"Jeezers Pagie, no need to rip my headphones off!" Larry huffed in a bit of frustration, but laughed it off.
"Ya sure, you can sit next to me." He said now looking at me. I nodded and took a seat next to him to which the bus began to move. I glanced over at the boy sitting next to, he had blue skin like the other boy I met except Larrys was lighter. He had long light blue coily hair and a red light switch for a nose. He also wore a light blue beanie with white clouds on it. Something I also noticed about him was that his left eye was a lazy eye. The boy got up and turned around to talk to the other person from before, Pagie was it? I sighed and closed my eyes as I waited for the bus ride to end.

"What the HELL was that for!"
I quickly opened my eyes and stuck my head out from my seat to see where the yell had came from. It came from that blue boy I had meet before getting on the bus. It was hard to see what was going on, but from what I could tell the blue kid was on the floor. Someone else was their as well, he had gray skin and dark gray hair with a padlock around his neck although it was hard to tell from back here.
"Oops, sorry Tony, I didn't see you." The gray person spoke in a very cocky, and honestly kinda annoying vocie.
"Ya right Keith you never see me! It's always just an "accident". The blue boy said, Tony is his name I believe. And im guessing the gray one is Keith.
"Damn, are they at it again?" Larry said getting up from his seat again to see what was going on.
"Seems like it." Pagie said while crawling up onto the back of our seat.
"Hey new kid, don't worry about them. They do this ALL the time." Larry patted my shoulder and sighed.
"Kinda wish they wouldn't though, it can get pretty annoying...Hey I never got your name new kid. Mines Larrison, but you can call me Larry! If you didn't already know." He brought out his hand to shake mine.
"My name is Shrignold.." I said while awkwardly shaking his hand.
"Thats a pretty name."
"Th-thank you!"
Larry chuckled a bit, and I did as well as he let go of hand.
"And my names Pagie!" Pagie jumped up in her seat, scaring me a bit.
"Jeezers Pagie, no need to scream it." Larry lightly hit Pagie on head.
"Hey, don't hit me!" Paige jokingly said as she bonked Larry on the nose. They both glared at each other, but then just laughed it off as if they hadn't just hit each other. 'It must be nice to have a friend like that.' I thought, even giggling a bit to myself. I took in a deep breath and leaned back in my seat, maybe school wouldn't be that bad? Although I can't say for sure.

First day of hell (Dhmis AU) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now