chapter 1 pg 1 : First day of hell

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   I was running through a long forest, unsure if I was either halfway through or halfway out. The trees stretched up for miles to come and the grassy floor scratched and tore at the bottom of my aching feet. The wind screamed, piercing my ears and vocies from all around could be heard as the tall man chased me. That is until I had tripped and fell down a hole.
Thats when my dream ended....
   I bulted out of bed, but did not scream. I groaned and rubbed my tiered eyes until my vision came to. What day is it? I walked over to my calendar and placed an x on the date "June 19, first day of hell." I stretched out my wings and fluttered over to my closet as I start my first day of what will inevitably be the worst years of my life. Off into a world where they only teach about love and good manners.
Girls wear pink dresses that go the knee, while the boys wear a blue uniform. Coat or not, that was your choice. Im not much of a fan of blue nor do I like the coat so I changed mine a bit. I dyed it purple, a much more fitting color, and instead of the coat a made vest to go along with the rest of my outfit. Fluttering out of my room I made my way to the kitchen to get something to eat. Looking around I noticed my parents were no were to be seen. 'They must be at work already' I thought to myself as I poured a cup of tea to go along with my bowl of cereal. Once done eating I then made my way to the bathroom. I splashed some water onto my face, waking up a bit more. I was going to brush put my hair but decided not to, I don't think I would look good with straight hair. Besides, it would probably take forever to brush it all out. 'Curly hair it it then'. I brushed my teeth but while doing so I stopped and just stared at the gap between my too front teeth. I never liked the gap, I was made fun of it a lot at my old school. But who knows, maybe this new school will be different. It promotes love, so maybe the people their will actually accept me for me.
I sighed as I pushed the thoughts away from my mind. Finishing up in the bathroom, I made my way back to my room to pack my bags and suit cases getting only the necessary items that I will need to survive this, or what will be, hell. Just a couple of extra clothes, note books, bathroom supplies, my phone and most importantly my journal. My most precious item of all, my journal was a one way ticket to a land in which I can only be me. And that me is who I long to be. But let's not think about that stuff right now, I should go outside and wait for the bus to arrive. I grabbed my bag and placed it over my shoulders and made my way to the front door. As I excited my house, looking out into sunny sky, I stared back at my house. It would've been nice to at least have my parents wish me goodbye, but I guess they just couldn't make it.
Taking a shakey step forward, like stated before, I am now starting my first day of what will inevitably be the worst years of my life.

(This first chapter was super short, but I hope you liked it. I'm honestly kinda excited for this story and hope that i will be able to finish it. Of course that will take quite some time, everything since I'm also working on other stories as well.)

First day of hell (Dhmis AU) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now