Chapter 1 pg 3

467 11 4

Tw// Tad bit of body shaming
   "Hey Shrignold the bridge is coming up, come look!" Larry was tugging at my arm while ponting at the window.
"The bridge..?" I asked, leaning over Larry to get a better look.
"Ya, we cross over a bridge to get to school. Your new so you haven't seen it yet. It looks pretty cool, I've actually only seen it about two times."
"PFT, the bridge is stupid!" Pagie said jumping up on the seat again.
"Is not!" Larry bonked Pagie on the head, causing her to fall back.
"Hey what was that for?" Here we go again..
While those two wrestled, I poked by head out from the seat to see just ahead of us was the bridge. It was white with an aray of different flowers covering it, giving it this sort of mystical and mysterious vibe to it. The bridge was long and stretched over what seemed to be a sea of pink clouds. Looking down at the clouds I could have sworn I saw what was past them, a dark and empty pit that seemed to stretch down forever. But when I looked again it was gone, just clouds.
"Pretty isn't it?" Larry chuckled a bit.
"Ya.." I said, still gazing at the clouds. The bridge was really breath taking, to bad the ride didn't last for long cause we were now near, or what seemed to be, the entrance of the school. As the school bus came to a stop, I felt myself get a bit anxious. I know I'm not the only new one, so I'm sure they're just as anxious as I am, but still I dont think that thought really puts my mind as ease.
"Don't worry Shrigy, you're gonna fit in pretty well!" Larry said giving me a big smile while patting me on the back. I chuckled, we had only met and he has already given me a silly nickname. But to be honest, as much as I think I would be a nuisance to him, I really do hope we can be friends. Same goes for Pagie. I stand up, grabbing my suit case, and begin to head to front of the bus just like everyone else. Finally off the bus I sigh as I looked up at my new school and home. The school was quite big and white, with bushes, roses and trees surrounding it giving it an almost fantasy kinda vibe to it. While I looked at my surroundings, I accidentally bumped into another student causing me to lose my balance a bit, but to my luck didn't fall.
"S-sorry!" I said in a panic, I didn't mean to walk into them.
"Whatever, just watch were you're going fatty.." I look up to see that it was that Keith person from earlier. I will admit I am on the heavier side, and their's nothing wrong with that. I just hate it when people use my weight as an insult, especially scene someone's weight shouldn't be used as an insult cause their's nothing wrong with how you look or weigh. I stare up at the tall figure, I would stand up for myself but I am too anxious and nervous to do such a thing. Keith just laughed and walked away. I sighed, im having second thoughts about this school. I quickly smiled as I saw Larry run up to me, with Pagie on his shoulders.
"Shrignold! Ready to start your first day of school?" Larry said as we walked to the school entrance.
"Um, ya I guess.." I shrugged, I'm still feeling uncertain.
"It's okay if you don't know how to feel at first, but I'm sure you're going to feel comfortable after awhile."
I awkwardly smiled and nodded.
"Oh! By the way Shrignold," Pagie began to say "New students need to head to the gym."
"Why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You'll be meeting the principal there, were You'll be given your schedule, dorm room and this pin that you have to wear like all the time." She said, ponting to a heart shaped pin that was on her uniform. Larry had one as well, and now that I think about it so did that Tony fella from earlier and Keith.
"If you're wonder where the gym is, don't worry, one of the staff members will be showing you were it is. That same staff member, well usually the same staff member, will also be giving you a tour of the school after you get everything settled in your dorm." Larry said patting my head. Actually, I don't think I've thought about my teachers or what'd they be like. I've been more worried about the other students that I guess I just forgot about the teachers. Im sure they're not all bad, but from my experience there's always one that no one can ever get along with. And for good reason.
Soon me, Larry and Pagie began to part ways as I meet up with a bunch of new students and a staff member, just as Larry said. The staff member was tall with dark skin and big green hair that went a bit past his shoulders. There were also pink hearts in his hair, which personally I thought were quite nice. His outfit consists of mostly warm colors, such as lighter reds and warm browns. He had puffy shoulder sleeves, long boots and an apron that had flower imprint on it.
"Hello new students, my name is Mr.Woodstock. As you know I am one of your teachers, I look forward to seeing you all in my classroom." His voice was deep but also soothing at the same time.
"Now students, if you will follow me please, I will be taking you to the gym were You'll be meeting the principal. There he'll be talking about your schedule, dorm room and this pin you'll be given. Now, come come!" And just like he turned around and began to walk to the direction of said gym room, to which we all followed of course. When we got there I was quite surprised, the room didn't really look like a gym at all. The room was long with white walls that had a bit of flower patterns on it. There were also a couple of long mirrors on the wall. The floor was carpeted with pastel pink making it seem as though we were standing on clouds. At the very end of the room stood a very tall man, who im assuming is the principle. He had dark blueish skin that was covered with freckles. His hair was blond and pulled back into a ponytail. We wore long black sleeves and heels, and a long gray dress that had white puffy shoulders.
As Mr.Wooodstock walked up to the tall man, so did we.
"Good morning my children, I am Malcom your principal." Like Mr.Woodstock his voice was deep but also soothing. Just the sound of his voice made me feel calm.
"Before I give you your schedules and assign you your dorm rooms, I'd like to go over a couple rules." He walked over to a desk that was in the corner of the room a picked up a sheet of paper.
"Rule 1: You are allowed to bring small foods and drinks into class, just don't be a disturbance and please to clean up after yourself.
Rule 2: No running or flying in the hall. Don't worry, you won't be marked absent if you're just a bit late.
And rule number 3 is the most important rule, be kind and respectful to others." Malcom them smiled and placed the sheet back down on the desk.
"Any questions?" He asked, walking back infront of us. The room stayed silent until someone near the back raised there hand. The person had light blue skin with even lighter blue hair and bunny ears that were the same color as there hair. They also wore yellow suspenders over the given male uniform.
"You may speak." Malcom said as the bunny kid lowered his hand.
"It's about rooms, what if we get assigned to someone we don't like or that person doesn't like us?"
Malcom shook his head. "Nonsense! We are all friends and family here, we will all get along I promise you that. But if you feel as though your roommate or just someone in general is being rude to you, please send them to me and I'll get everything taken cared of!."
The bunny kid smilled and nodded.
"Now that there doesn't seem to be any more questions, I'll hand you all your schedules, room number, a key to get inside your room and this pin that you must wear everywhere you go!" Malcom then walked back over to the desk and picked up a box.
"When I call your name please come up to me and I'll hand you you the items. Fern, please come up."
A couple of minutes had gone by as we all got our necessary items from Malcom.
"Now that there is no more to be said or given, please follow Mr.Woodstock as he will show you were your rooms are!"

   "Your rooms will be up there." Mr.Woodstock said, ponting to a spiral staircase.
"I would walk up with you, but I have important work that needs to be done. Just enter the 1st year door, your rooms will be in there." And like that he walked away. We all walked up the set of stairs, making our way to 4 doors. The doors were titled "1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year". Given what Mr.Woodstock said, we would need to enter the 1st year door. Behind the door was a long room with doors on each side of the walls. Quickly people began to go to there designated rooms, pushing each other to do so. Making my way through the crowd I finally found my room, room #10. I sighed as I pushed open the door, wondering who my roommate was and what they would be like. The room was white with a pink carpet floor. Ahead of me was a bunk bed, next to it was a big window with a pastel purple curtain draped over it. To the right of me were two dressers and another door. And to the left of me was a desk that had a night lamp on it. I walked over to the bunk bed that already had a suitcase and backpack on. It seems as though my roommate got here before me.
"Hello, you must be my room mate."
I quickly looked over to the right of me where I saw someone walk out of the door, which seems to be a restroom.
"My name is Uta, and you?" He had orange skin with long blond hair and a tail that was the same color as his hair. He had hooves, horse ears and a unicorn horn that was orange with yellow stripes on it.
"Oh, im Shrignold!" I said as we shook hands.
"I like your outfit, personally I don't like the blue outfits either." Uta said, smiling a bit. I looked down at my outfit, I almost forgot I dyed it purple.
"Oh, why thank you! I can show you how to dye your outfit if you like?"
"Oh, no thank you. I would I like a red outfit, but I dont want to get in trouble.."
Now that I think about, would I get in trouble for having a different outfit color? I do remember Tony saying something about a Garden, whatever that ment.
"Oh ya, we should probably get all of our stuff organized." Ota said, breaking the silence between us.
"Oh ya!" I hurried up and grabbed my suitcase, taking it over to one of the dressers.
"What do you think the teachers will be like?" I asked as Uta took a seat next to me and began to unpack as well.
"Im not sure, but I bet they're going to be just as nice as Mr.Woodstock or Malcom."
"I hope so.." Uta doesn't seem to be nervous about this place, but personally I have a bit of a bad feeling. This school is honestly beautiful, maybe I'm just over thinking things a bit.
A little bit of time passed by as we finished up unpacking our things. I heard a bit of foot steps outside, seems like most of them were unpacking as well. Me and Uta got up and walked over to the door, placing one hand on it I looked over at him.
"How you feeling?"
"Nervous, you?"
I nodded "Ya, me too."
We both took in a deep breath as I opened the door and began to head out into the crowd of people, ready to start this hellish ride.

(Agagah, sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I hope to most more, but like this post I'll probably be slow as well.)

First day of hell (Dhmis AU) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now