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Giyu was wondering why shinobu was poking him again. She always seems to do this and he used to be annoyed by it and now he just thinks its cute she keeps doing it.

"Tomioka-san~" she says with her lovely voice he thinks. He honestly likes the way she says his name. He can also picture her smiling too.

He didn't say anything or show what he is thinking.

This continued for a while until her pokes became jabs, just like her breathing technique.

"Tomioka-san, can you please answer me!!" She said irritately. He still continued walking until she shouted.

"Tomioka-san-" then she stopped. Confused he turned to look at her, she was staring at something. He followed her train of sight to see a cat in the middle of the road.

Bemused, he turned to her.

"Kocho, are you scared of cats." Shocked she grabbed onto his arm and held it in a death grip.

"Tomioka-san, there is a furry monster in front of us!!" She said scared. If he wasn't such an emotionless person, he would have laughed out loud.

The cat meowed and walked to them, it reached giyu's leg and rubbed its face against it. Shinobu screamed again and clung to his waist.

"Tomioka-san get rid of it!!"

He looked down at the innocent cat that was called a monster by shinobu. He thought it looked cute. So he bent down and petted it softly, the cat meowed louder. Shinobu just looked at the cat in disgust.

"How could you even touch that thing." She said. Giyu turned to her.

"There's nothing wrong with the cat kocho, see," he picked it up to show it to her. Her jaw dropped then she started running away. "Stay away from me tomioka-san!!!"

Blinking he started to run after her. "Kocho come back." With the cat still in his hands.

'Thats it' giyu thought 'she is the most adorable when she is scared of furry animals.'

Well thats all i can think off right now😅, the one-shots will be longer.

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