chapter three

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You sit in the kitchen, enjoying your breakfast of the day, which consists of a warm toast with an avocado spread. It's delicious, but a bit bland, or maybe it just feels like that because you're tired- you, Draco, and Delaney didn't get back home until 1 a.m. this morning. And Draco had to take her home.

It took a lot of motivation to get up and get ready. Today, you're wearing a plaid pink skirt and light pink top, with a small golden necklace and ring to match.

Taking a sip of some water, you hear Draco and Narcissa walking downstairs together- still without Lucius for some reason- and she seems to be happy about something- so is Draco. She's wearing a dark green dress that complements her eyes. "Morning," you say, and Narcissa gives you a quick nod, while Draco is acting a bit distracted. They are still giving each other some sort of look. "What are you two on about?" you ask, and Narcissa shrugs and smiles. You leave it at that, not sure if you should be asking, even though they are like your family-

You decide to forget about it. Draco leaves for a moment "to go piss," leaving you alone with Narcissa for a short time. "Darling," she says, with you looking directly at each other, "Would you like to bake some bread with me today? We will make the good kind." You smile, enlivened at an opportunity to spend some time with her. "Of course," you reply agreeably, and she gives a short smile. Usually Dobby would make it, or help make it, but somehow Harry Potter freed him- you don't know the whole story. It doesn't matter. It's more fun this way. She slowly walks into the pantry to get ingredients- her dress flows when she walks. It's gorgeous.

You catch yourself staring when you are suddenly interrupted with footsteps coming towards the kitchen; Draco is done and is coming back to get breakfast. You, however, are finished with breakfast, so you put the dishes in the sink, take out your wand, and wash them. Going to put the plate back into the pantry, you are with Narcissa again, and you watch her take out the flour, the yeast, the salt, the oil, the baking powder..

"Darling, do you need something?" she asks. "Oh, no, sorry," you respond and quickly put the plate in its place with your wand, making a quick exit as you aren't sure if she noticed your silent watching. Hoping it isn't awkward, you leave to sit with Draco.

"Morning," you say again, and he responds with the same word in a quiet, raspy voice. He's tired. He didn't get back until around 2 a.m. from taking Delaney home. A realization comes to you that what happened yesterday, your fight, actually happened; you had forgotten all about it. I hope he's not mad- I should be mad if anyone's mad.

Draco finished his toast quite quickly after that, but he always eats quickly so you don't think anything of it. He nods at you and goes upstairs. Why didn't we even talk? We talk for hours most of the time.. I'm sure he's just tired. I'm overthinking it.

Narcissa leaves the pantry with the ingredients and a recipe and comes up to you. "Y/n, ready?" You nod, you have never made bread before- but you know she's almost an expert with it. She hands you the recipe:

two tablespoons yeast
one cup warm water
one-third cup granulated sugar
one third cup canola oil
one egg
one and a half tablespoons salt
three and a quarter cups flour

She already has everything except the eggs and water. You summon a measuring cup to get the water and go to the silver sink, filling the measuring up with it. She already has the bowl, so you send the measuring cup to her carefully with a quick spell. She is mixing the dry ingredients together.

She finishes and starts playing some music on a small radio, but it's not like the normal music you listen to. You hear a beautiful piano playing in the background and you comment on it, saying, "That's beautiful." She nods, smiling, saying, "It really is." In that moment, there's nothing more that you want to do than dance with her to the music..

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