chapter five

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i am really so sorry if this isn't good i was in a bit of a rush, i tried to keep this good quality though please let me know what you think. the next chapter will be better and longer i promise

You're a bit confused why Lucius is looking at you like this. No, not lovingly, like the way Narcissa does.. he looks absolutely livid.. but why?

I didn't do anything- why would he be angry? If anyone's angry, I should be angry. Narcissa and Draco abandoned me and that was shitty. Well, more Narcissa, less Draco.

Okay, I have to focus.. what if he tries to kill me? No, he wouldn't.. I've known him for far too long. He would never.. right? I have to be prepared for whatever he will do.

"Stupefy!" he shouts, but you're already prepared so within a second you respond with a silent "Protego." You are more powerful than he thinks you are- teaching at Hogwarts has been more dangerous than anyone ever told you it would be.

You forgot that the Stupefy spell would now be projected back onto him- he falls back with a red light and you are now safe- but only for a limited amount of time.

Where could they have gone? Where could Narcissa have taken him, that would be safe and secret and hidden... probably somewhere in a small town, not as expected..

You decide to go to your cottage and think it over; it won't be safe here for much longer..

I don't know everything about the Dark Lord, but doesn't he have ways of knowing if one of his followers has been attacked? I'm not sure.. I need to go.

You still have a feeling that you need to go to your cottage; you are not sure why, maybe being at peace and feeling safe will help you feel better. You make sure you have your wand, then you concentrate for a moment and Apparate to your cottage, which is located in a small London Wizarding village. You're in the kitchen. You smell that familiar smell of your home, your kitchen. You don't remember it smelling that good.. You hear someone inside your room..

No.. how could they know I'm here? No one else knows where my house is except for me, Dumbledore, and Narcissa.. I had to tell her when she brought me dinner that one time I was sick.. Are they following me? The Death Eaters?

Luckily, your imagination was running too wild- you see Draco and Narcissa come out of the room, they both get red in the face when they see you, obviously feeling bad that they abandoned you with Lucius. "I- I'm sorry, Y/n," says Draco, but you cut him off, saying, "This isn't your fault." You are annoyed. You could have died.

"Y/n, please, can we talk?" asks Narcissa wanly. She looks tired. Not that she looks bad, just tired.. You nod hesitantly and you two walk into your room. Draco follows you for some reason, you kind of wish he didn't..

You sit on a small couch in your room next to each other and Draco lays on the bed. He's tired, he starts to fall asleep. "Draco, don't be rude. Go sleep somewhere else.." "It's fine, Narcissa." She seems slightly taken aback at that sentence, since she had grown used to you calling her Cissy, but you are clearly upset.

"Look, I'm sorry, Y/n, but it was almost too late, we all could have died.. I hope you'll forgive me." You shake your head as you think of how to respond. "Narcissa.. it's fine. But it wouldn't have been that hard to beckon me over.. or at least try to not leave me for dead." She shakes her head- you know she feels terrible, and you know that it was simply her mothering instincts.

You want to say more, but she begins to speak. "Y/n, you're not a child. You can fend for yourself- I don't need to protect you anymore. I never did, anyways- we are almost the same age, after all.."

She seemed sorry.. why is she suddenly not sorry? She wouldn't be defending herself if she was. And anyways, she'd be upset with me if I did the same thing to her. I should tell her that..

"Narcissa, you'd be upset with me if I did it too, and you're older than me.. not much older.. but you are. I'm not going to leave anyone behind no matter what.. and it doesn't matter my age, if you cared about me you wouldn't have done that."

Well, maybe that's not true.. I don't even know who's right anymore. Narcissa shouldn't have left but.. Draco..

Draco has been with me through everything since he was born. I helped raise him, I watched him grow up, I became his best friend. I still am. I'd do anything to protect him. Imagine how his mother would feel in the situation that just happened..

Narcissa, however, decides to give up arguing. "I'm sorry, Y/n, I know that doesn't change anything.. but I just hope you know I am sorry. I'm going to go make some bread if that's all right with you.. Draco asked if you had any and you don't, obviously, since you were staying with us.." You nod. "He said it would make him feel better," she says, forcing a small smile.

That's when you realize.

This isn't about me. This isn't about Narcissa. This isn't about Lucius.  This is about Draco. He's still hurt.. he was in more danger than I was; I was perfectly fine physically while he had just fallen down a flight of stairs-

Draco was weak. I was strong. Narcissa had her motherly instincts. Lucius was going to hurt someone. It's that simple.

You stand up, Draco still on the bed, fallen asleep now, Narcissa in the kitchen looking for the ingredients. Hesitating, you choose to head into the kitchen. You just hope she's alright to bake with you. You love her and you couldn't handle the fact that she might be annoyed with you..

You enter, taking in the familiar scent of your kitchen, and you see that Narcissa isn't as upset as you thought. She flashes a smile at you that's at least a little less forced than the last one she sent your way.

"Can i help, Cissy?" you ask, and she is clearly relieved that you use that name again- you're over what happened, it wasn't as bad as you thought, whatever. "Of course, love," she says, giving you another smile, but this time it is quite genuine. You smile back, hoping that this can be a normal moment between you two.

She already has most of the ingredients mixed, you just need to get a bread pan. You realise you don't have one. Shit. "I need to go to the village for a breadpan- I just realised I don't have one. I'll be back, don't go anywhere!" She nods, but she is obviously quite tired from all this so she's clearly a bit exasperated. To the both of you it feels like nothing recently has gone right.

You Apparate into the grocery, which is normal to do, by the way, since it's a Wizarding town. The familiar little place is a quaint shop with plants along the walls, kind grocers, and the sweet smell of vanilla. You know where everything is, so that's why not having a breadpan at home wasn't much of an issue. You go into the the aisle with appliances, seeing what you need immediately.

You worked here during summers for a while, when you didn't make much as a teacher. Now, you'd been given a raise at Hogwarts for doing so well- plus, balancing going to the shop and staying at Malfoy Manor, both during the summer, was too much anyways..

You take it and go to pay as the grocer named Mary greets you. You nod at her, making it clear you're in a rush while still remaining kind. You Apparate back home, to Narcissa's relief, and she summons the pan to clean before use. Hopefully today can just be a nice, normal day.

She puts the dough into the pan, the oven already preheated, and the pan into the oven. She walks up to you. You two still haven't said a word since you came back in, and looks in your eyes. She gives you a tight hug and you smile, hugging her back immediately. You hug for quite a while, and you never want to leave her arms.

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