Chapter 1

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This story is based off a roleplay between me and my best friend IRL. I will be making a more literal-friendly version of this story, so think of this story as a prototype for that plan. Enjoy!

One day, Michelle Beldonesson (Meteorite) was at the arena watching her favorite wrestler, Annie Hayashi (Seraphim On The Ring Miku). She was with her partner Ellen Michaud (Seraphim Rin) and fighting against the Amazones.

Seraphim Kaito: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Annie just SLAMMED her!


Annie did an incredible stunt to knock out Devil Luka! Meteorite was cheering like crazy. And then after the game, of course the Cutie Angels won.


Everyone started to leave the arena after the game. Meteorite caught up to Annie, who was walking away with Ellen.

Meteorite: Annie!!!

SOTR Miku: Hi Michelle! What's up?

Meteorite: You were SO COOL out there! I mean, you knocked that bitch out, that was just so awesome!

SOTR Miku: Yeah! I'm glad you think so!

Meteorite: Hey, um, do you mind if we.... hang out?

SOTR Miku: Hang out? I wouldn't mind that!

Meteorite: Oh, goodie! I would love to hang out with you. Where should we go?

SOTR Miku: Let's go to the plaza. They have many options there.

Meteorite: Good choice! Let's go!

The two of them went to the plaza. There are all kinds of shops and restaurants there.

Meteorite: Man, I'm hungry. I could use some Chinese food.

SOTR Miku: Well, lucky for us, there is a Chinese restaurant over there! We can go there.

Meteorite: I do love me some lo mein. Let's go!

The Mikus went inside the restaurant. Meteorite got some lo mein, and ate it like crazy. Annie got something for herself as well.

SOTR Miku: Wow. You were really hungry, were you?

Meteorite: I didn't eat at all today.

SOTR Miku: Really? Why?

Meteorite: I dunno. I was so busy that I forgot to eat. Weird thing is, I never forget to eat.

SOTR Miku: You should always take care of your health. Health is a gift. Don't waste it.

Meteorite: You're right. *thinks* No one has cared about me this much....

Annie cracked her fortune cookie open, and it read this message:

"You will find someone who means the world to you."

Meteorite blushed deeply.

Meteorite: *thinks* I see... is the cookie talking about me? Probably not... she's too good for me.

Annie: Sweet message, eh?

Meteorite: Yeah. Let's read mine.

Meteorite cracked her own fortune cookie open and read the message.

"You will find peace from the people right in front of you."

SOTR Miku: Wow.

Meteorite: It's very comforting.....

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