Such an Awful Fuck

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Kobra Kid POV

        The girls were just settling in to the diner, our humble abode, and I thought it would be polite to see how Harm was doing. As I opened the door, I saw something I could never unsee in all my years. Believe me, being a Killjoy has exposed me to many horrible things, but none of it prepared me for seeing my brother and Harm making out. I mean literally sucking faces. "JESUS! FUCK! MY EYES, MY POOR, POOR EYES!" I screamed.

        Harm laughed and Party blushed, burying his face in her shoulder. "Is there something you wanted?" She asked.

        "No... I'm... Um... Just going to leave you to what you were doing... Bye," I stuttered quickly and ran from the room. Trying to put as much distance between that room and myself, I ran straight into Chem knocking her flat on her ass. "Hi, Chem. What are you doing?" I asked, slightly embarrassed, and helped her to her feet.

        "Oh, I was just going to check on Harm," she smiled, starting to walk again.

        "No!" I shouted, grabbing her arm.

        "What?" Chem asked, confused by my actions.

        "Um.. We'll believe me in that she's settling in just fine, Party is helping her out with that," I said scratching my neck slightly.

        Understanding, she placed her hand on my shoulder, "Oh... I'm sorry about what you must have seen," she stated, sounding truly sympathetic.

        "Yeah, maybe some Power Pup would help me take my mind off of it? Or I could just rip my eyes out of my skull," I said.

        Chem laughed, a truly melodic sound. "How about we get Power Pup now because I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. There will be tons of time to rip your eyes out later," she joked.

        "Maybe ripping my eyes out would be a bad idea, ‘cause I wouldn’t be able to see your beautiful face any more," I blurted out, immediately blushing. Unable to look at her I mutter out, "Well gotta go, see you later," and ran off.

        I could just barely hear her call, "Kobra! Wait!" But I ignored it.

        As I turned the corner, Fun Ghoul placed a hand on my shoulder. "Dude," he started, shaking his head. "I'm not sure which is more lame, the fact that you actually used that line, or the fact that you ran away right after you used that horrible line."

        “I know. It was a spur of the moment thing that I blurted out. I'm an idiot," I mumbled.

        "You wouldn't have been such an idiot if you had looked at her and seen that she totally thought that it was sweet," Ghoul advised me.

        "Really?" I asked, surprised that Ghoul was giving good advice.

        "Yeah. So, now you need to get back there, redeem yourself, flirt a bit, and for Christ's sake don't let her eat that shit alone," he smiled, finishing his pep talk. I ran for the kitchen and could barely hear him state, "Wow, that was some damn good advice. I need to do that more often."

        I entered the kitchen, seeing Chem alone eating the barely edible shit we call food. I sat beside her, and she blushed. "I see you came back," she whispered.

        "Yeah. Can we forget that ever happened?" I asked, hopeful.

        "Sure," she muttered, sounding slightly upset, left half of her food on the table and ran away.

        I heard someone sit across from me. I looked up to see Ghoul looking disappointed at me. "Goddamn it Kobra. You had one job and you failed, epically . And in the process, I'm pretty sure you made her cry. Nice going, asshole."

        I buried my head in my hands and muttered, "I'm so stupid."

        To this Ghoul replied, "Yes. Yes you are."

        "Thanks for helping cheer me up Ghoul," I said, sarcastically.

        "The only one who needs cheering up is the pretty girl that you just made cry, but I think Jet Star is already on that job," he said, not helping at all.

        "Well, now I feel even more like shit then I didn't a few moments ago," I grumbled, bitterly.

        "Could be your diet. Power Pup is know to do that to people," Ghoul joked, but I couldn't find it in me to laugh.

        "Maybe I should go talk to her," I thought aloud.

        "Yes because that worked so well last time. Let Jet talk to her, he'll help her come around and realize that you weren't thinking. He's good at that," Ghoul advised.

         "I guess so... I hope so..." I dejectedly walked back over to sit on the counter, where Chem had left half of her lunch.

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