A Tribute to Mr. Lion Go.....Even a King can Cry....

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An: Hello one and all...I'm still here...if that's what y'all are wondering...
Anyway Life has been rough...But we still gotta move on...So enough chats...Let's do this.

Disclaimers, I own nothing and images belong to their respectful owners...


(Gil P.o.v)

One of the greatest asked questions I ever received was from a man...

That man once asked me why I did what I did....

I told that man that my actions where what I pleased and if he didn't shut up I would have his head.

Till this day I wondered....

What did I do to deserve this....

To understand how I feel... I'd have to recall that day....

The day I felt like a king again...Only to lose it all....

That day... everything changed...

My feelings towards those outlanders....and more specifically the one who claims his name as the first fallen....

The day I felt anger like back then...


(P.o.v 3rd Peeps)
(3 days ago...)

As the air laid tense after the attack of both olba and Lucifer, both the hero Emilia and her unwanted help in the form of the demon king mao lay eyes upon the destroyed bridged caused by the duos attack on them, the bodies of the people around them lay silent, as Mao's spell sent them all to sleep to hide the ongoing battle...while also holding up the collapsed bridge by himself...

"Watch were you block damnit!!" As Mao screamed that out, he lost concentration for a bit, almost losing control of the magic keeping the bridge up, forcing him to shut up and reconcentrate on the bridge to prevent more damage and possibly death to occure.

"Shut up!! Don't think I'm happy with this team up either way, so just go back to what your doing!!" With her piece said, Emilia charged at the ex-general to finish this battle as quickly as she can...though that isn't what happens.


From where the battle was going on, everyone stopped what they we're doing to look upon what that explosion came from, even Mao who couldn't look still payed attention to what was going on.

And they all felt it in there very bones....

The awaking of a very fearsome opponent...

And he was not in the best of moods....Not at all....

From the distance, just a mere mile from where they fought, a grand pillar of darkness stands tall... radiating a power so vile and cursed, even the ex-general and the demon king felt a slight fear, something they had not felt in so long...A fear that even the world felt, from the shaking of the nearby buildings could show...

But they all had on thought towards this...*thing's* appearance....

' Just what the hell is that'.....

As they all beheld the power subside slowly, a wicked *thump* was heard...

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

Whatever this being was...it was moving...

And they knew where it was heading towards....THEM.....

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