The Eiyuu Ou Works...What Foul Play is This?!?!

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AN: Well, it took to long to update, but here is the next part, I hope you all enjoy...
Copyright disclaimers, I own nothing and all Images belong to their respectful owners...

(Gil-Kun P.o.v)

"I'll have a number 9 and a number 9 large..." was the order from the first man I was hearing...

Ughh why did I agree to this...

It's the start of the summer break and I was currently at McRonalds, a fast food joint and my new workplace...

One would wonder why a king such as I would bother accepting such a job...

Well it all started when I told my current 'family' about it...


*Le Golden Flashback*


"Wait so let me get this, got a job???" Was the confused words of one Riho Sasaki, as she could not believe the words coming out of my mouth, like if she was told she won a million yen and could not believe it sort of believe...

Huh, that foolish woman, to think she doubts the words of me, the Kin......

"OWW!!! What the hell was that for you old bat!!!" And once again I am hit with that mysterious object called a paper fan....

Just where in the bloody hell does she keep such an object.

I swear I feel the pain, even though this body, as degraded as it is, is still beyond a normal human...

So again I have to wonder how such an old la.....


As I roll on the floor clutching my now injured head, I can see the smoke coming from the fan she hit me with...

Such brutal strength...

If I didn't know any better I would assume that she was a ma......


"AGHHHHH QUIT IT YOU DAMN BAG OF BONES!!!" This damn woman....I feel like she will be the end of my life one day....

Oh grail, why couldn't you give me my normal body at least....
With that I could handle her hit to my poor, poor skull....

"Now that you learned your manners Gil-kun, I am still a bit shocked you where offered a job, no offense to you or anything but you are kind of a...." she didn't even bother finishing her sentence as she just stared at me with that smug look on her face...

Damn woman....

She may have helped me, but their is only so much tolerance a king can give towards his subjects....

But, as a king I must keep my calm...

"For your information riho-San, I was given a job at the local McRonalds, not some shady business group that sell you those subscriptions that never even come in the time stated..." I tell her as I pull out my Uniform given to me, something I was not going to like wearing....




But I need the it or not....

"Well that's good, now i dont have to worry about you being a free leader when you become an adult." As she said that she covered her mouth with her hand and started laughing that insufferable laugh of her's.....

Damn Old bat....

"Ha ha, real funny....Anyway they said I begin this coming summer Break, so just letting you know." With that I walked away, looking forward too see what working at the so called 'fast food' industry was....

And I immediately regretted my decision...


*Le Golden Flashback End*


"Ughhh, what a day this is turning out to be...." I whispered towards myself as I wait out the next man's order...

"Yeah I'll have a number six, no dip..."
He tells me his order as I inputted the order into the system...

Now for the last guy.....

"Hmmm....yeah I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large...A number 6 with extra dip....A number 7 hold the lettuce....3 number 8s one spicey, and 4 number 1s, all with cheese.....And two numbers 4 and 5, and a large soda...." asked the fat man as I just look at him, my mouth agape as I put in the order....

"Sir.....ughh....not to be rude but....You sure about your order....." I ask him as I hold back my laugh at such a ridiculous order...just what kind of person eats so much?!?!....

"Ughhh, yeah your right....add in two number 10s and a number 11 too, make sure to hold the onions on it..." he tells me as he scratches his ass....Ughhh

How vulgar and disgusting....

"ughhh ok.....Will all that be together or separate..." I ask the first man, a pretty well fit one, as I gave him a quote on quote 'employee smile', but inside I was honestly angry...

First what kind of King degrades himself to take orders....Damn it....

But remember, if I quit this job, I'll have to put up with Riho's crap for a week....Aghhhh how frustrating....

"Yeah it'll all be together..." the fit one of the three said as I added up the total of such an insane order but wasn't my first one...

Somehow, even though my golden rule doesn't work...My luck is still working...

Thanks to it I'm to be employee of the month thanks to this, as I always get these crazy orders, that somehow people actually pay and eat....

Just last week I saw this one man order one of everything on the menu and eat 2/3rds of it....

That was a damn Image...

How he remains so fit was a question in on itself...

Well enough of that let's give these people their total...

"Yes your total comes out too 5900¥..." as I told him that he took out and paid the amount necessary....

Still, such a blessing with this though...

Now that I know that my luck is still their, I just have to wait till I'm eighteen so that I can enter the one place I can get rich quick...

The casino....

But sadly as this body is in the age of around 16, that's a long wait...

But this luck helps getting customers too...

And with it I'll be employee of the month....

Then I'll have the money I need to go play those arcade games again...



But for now....I wait.....

AN: Thanks for reading you peeps and I hope you enjoyed this new chapter....

For those of you curious, the next chapter will skip a bit and will start in cannon line...

Also keep in mind I will use the anime as reference since it's been a while since I read the manga...

But no fear, Gil-kun will be involved as well in the shenanigans of Maou and crew, like Emi was...

Anyway the next update for this will more than likely be next month, 2 or 3rd...Depending on how things are....

Well I've taken enough of your time so as always, thanks for reading and as always....


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