Chapter Three

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It was the weekend so most students were in their dorms or, in the case of the overachievers, were studying or training. However, Willow was on a mission to find Terra who had likely disappeared to the greenhouse. She needed to talk to someone about her feelings and Aisha was swimming, Bloom was sleeping in, and Willow didn't want to overwhelm Musa.

"Hey, dad! Where do you want me to put these Blazing Stars?" Terra hollered as Willow walked in to see Terra holding the not yet grown plants.

"Put them in the front right corner Terra. Oh! Hello Willow!" Ben Harvey said as he rounded the corner and that was when Terra finally noticed her.

"Hi, Professor Harvey." Willow greeted and the man scowled.

"Unless we're in front of teachers or other students just call me Ben, please." the older man said and Willow smiled, nodding.

"Hey Willow. What are you doing here? I'd expect you to be asleep." Terra greeted after following her dad's instructions and Willow looked at her.

"Oh! I was wondering if we could go talk somewhere." Willow started and Terra nodded, grabbing the girl's arm and pulling her outside and behind the greenhouse.

"What is it?" Terra asks softly and Willow sighs.

"How do I deal with my feelings for Sky? I don't want to ruin our friendship." the shorter girl asks and Terra sighs.

"Willow, he likes you too. Everyone sees the way you look at each other. You look at him like he's your whole world. He looks at you the same way Willow." Terra says, holding the other girl's hands.

"I don't know Terra. What if our feelings ruin things?" Willow asks unsure of herself and Terra gives a soft laugh.

"Your feelings won't ruin anything. No one is going to force you to tell him though. I promise." Terra says and Willow nods.

"Thanks, Terra. Tell your dad I said bye!" the blonde hollers as she rushes to go back to the dorm and think things over.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"Hey Willow! Where were you? I woke up and you were gone. Musa said you rushed out of the dorm." Bloom asked as Willow sat down with everyone for breakfast and looked at Terra quickly.

"Oh. Uh, I just had to go find something out. It doesn't matter." she said and Musa looked at her intently, eyes flashing purple.

"Lie. What did you really do?" Musa said matter of factly and Willow groans as everyone looks at her.

"I went to visit Terra at the greenhouse and I asked her a question and then decided to head back to the dorm. You guys must have just left." the girl said and Aisha looks at her curiously.

"What did you have to ask?" Aisha questions and Willow looks at her.

"Nothing important," she responds and Musa narrows her eyes.

"What did you ask Willow?" Musa asks and Willow takes a deep breath.

"It doesn't matter! Okay?" Willow exclaims and everyone looks taken aback.

"Ok," Aisha says and Willow sighs.

"I'm sorry guys. The question I asked got me a confusing answer so I just don't really want to talk about it." Willow states and everyone nods.

"It's okay. We shouldn't be pestering you." Bloom responds and Willow smiles weakly at her.

"Yeah," Willow says quietly, her word fading as she finished it.

Everyone ate, most having their own little conversations, but Willow and Sky never said a word. Sky was too busy looking at Willow concerned and Willow couldn't think of anything to say. She decided that she was full and was just going back to the dorm to nap.

"I'm going to go back to the dorm. I think I might need to just sleep a little more." Willow said, walking off before anyone could respond.

"Terra, what's wrong with Willow?" Aisha asks and Terra stiffens.

"I'm not answering that. I'm not going to say anything unless she wants me to. Now I'm going to go back to the greenhouse." Terra responds, standing up and walking away as fast as she can.

"What is up with those two?" Musa asks and Sam leans over to tell her what he overheard which causes the girl to let out a small, "Oh."

"I'm going to check on Willow," Musa states, getting up and rushing to her dorm.

"And I'm going to go talk to Terra," Sam adds, following in his girlfriend's footsteps.

"Okay. I don't know what the hell is going on but those four are hiding something and I need to find out." Aisha suddenly says, standing up, and rushes to discreetly follow the girls.

"Well, I thought that I would have a day that wasn't confusing but here we are. I'm gonna join Aisha." Bloom tells the two boys before rushing after Aisha.

"What the hell? Do you know what's going on Riven?" Sky asks Riven and the boy in question snorts.

"Why the hell would I know? I'm not in their little girly secrets group. Why don't we just go train?" Riven responds and Sky nods hesitantly, following the brunette.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"Hey Willow. I know what the question was. Sam overheard and told me." Musa says softly as she walks towards the blonde girl.

"Oh, God. It's such a dumb reason to be upset, isn't it?" Willow responds and Musa laughs.

"Willow, it's not dumb to be upset about confusing feelings. You like Sky. Sky likes you. Neither of you wants to ruin your friendship but both of you just want to be together. It's perfectly fine to be upset." Musa says, letting Willow lay her head on her lap.

"I guess," Willow says softly, as Musa runs her fingers through the girl's hair comfortingly.

"Sorry for eavesdropping, but that's why you were acting strange today?" Aisha asks.

"Nothing wrong with it, we were just genuinely concerned," Bloom adds, and Willow giggles.

"It's fine. And yes, that's why I'm upset," she states, and the other girls sit down by her.

"How about later, when Terra gets back, we have a movie night? Just us girls." Musa says and Willow smiles.

"Yeah. I would like that," she says, smiling and that causes the others to smile.

"It's settled. Movie night when Terra gets back." Bloom states, clapping her hands together.

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