Chapter Four

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It was the next day and Willow woke up refreshed. Glad that she had the most amazing friends. Friends who were willing to have an entire movie night just to cheer her up. She woke up so refreshed and early that the only people up were Terra and Aisha. The first girl getting ready to go to the greenhouse and the second girl getting ready to go swim.

"Good morning!" Willow greets and the two girls smile, replying with the same words.

"So, what do you plan on doing today?" Aisha asked and Willow thought for a moment.

"I was thinking about going to see the specialists train for a bit and then head to the greenhouse. Sam and Musa have a lunch date so I figured I'd take Sam's spot until he comes back," she responds, and the two girls share a look and giggle.

"So you're going to see Sky," Terra says and Willow rolls her eyes.

"And Riven and Silva. And Sky's father," she states and Aisha looks at her with wide eyes and a smirk.

"Damn! You've already met his dad? You're moving fast!" she jokingly says and they hear Musa pitch in.

"As if they haven't looked at each other like they want to go hide and make out," she says and this causes Willow to blush and the other two girls to giggle.

"Shut up!" Willow whines and the others laugh.

Then they hear a shout, "I'm all for gossip but shut up!"

"Sorry, Bloom!" Willow hollers back, covering her laugh.

"Ok, ok. I'll be taking my leave." Aisha says and Terra nods in agreement.

"Me too. Have fun with Sky and company." she jokes and Willow glares at her playfully.

"Hey. How are you feeling today?" Musa asks quietly, so as not to disturb Bloom again, and Willow smiles.

"Great. Thank you for doing that last night. I really needed a girl's night." she says and Musa smiles, giving the girl a side hug.

"No problem. Girls gotta stick together, right?" Musa responds and Willow smiles, nodding.

"Yeah." was the simple word she said before deciding to get ready and leave.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"Hey! You're up early Willow!" Riven hollers when he sees the blonde girl and Sky turns to look at her.

"He's right. What's up?" Sky asks and Willow smiles.

"Nothing. After my outburst, the girls decided we were having a movie night and I feel better now." she replies, and Sky smiles.

"Good. I did not like yelling Willow," he states, and Riven snorts.

"At least when she yells around you, you don't wonder if she's gonna try to strangle you," Riven says jokingly and Willow laughs.

"Sorry Riven," she responds and sees Silva and Andreas walk over.

"Hello, Willow," Silva says and she smiles, waving.

"Hi!" she chirps and Andreas walks over to where she's standing.

"Why don't you try and give them constructive criticism?" he suggests and the girl shrugs.

"Sure," she responds and with that, she's sitting on the bench watching them fight.

"Riven, you aren't focusing on his body stance when he gets ready to fight you." the girl points out, and Riven nods, finally beating Sky using strategy, not luck.

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