Chapter 22: Dream

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"So the meeting will be held tomorrow evening at 7:31 PM," Lydia says looking down at her clip board. Landon sat on a log with Spence and Krista next to her. Jade sat on a rock while I stood in the back of everyone.

We were having our meeting where we were the last time, going over everything we had so far. Mostly, all we knew was the time, place, and that Enrique and his three buddies were coming along with my friend Raina. And hopefully anyone else she was able to gather.

I swallow nervously as Lydia speaks again, "We know that so far Enrique and his three buddies," -Lydia wrinkles her nose in disgust and her voice speaks volumes- "Raina, and the Werewolf pack are coming," she states looking up.

I step foreword.

"The pack consistes of fifteen members. Jacob Black, Sam Uley, Seth and Leah Clearwater, Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote, Brady Fuller, Collin Littlesea, Embry Call, Quil Ateara V, and five others that shifted two months ago. I have no names yet," I explain.

Everyone nods.

"Won't we have a problem?" Krista snips shifting on the log. "Last I heard vampires and wolves don't get along so great."

I roll my eyes. I really hate this bitch, and here I thought she was starting to grow on me. Does she not do her homework and read about this shit?

"Not all vampires and werewolves are at each other's throats. There's something called a treaty, Krista. And these vampires have no problem with them." I turn to look at Lydia, signaling that I just finished that conversation and there was to be no arguments. Krista makes an annoyed sound and crosses her arms.

Well, the Whitlock's had no problem. A couple of the Cullen's, not so much.

Lydia shifts the clipboard. "Alrighty then, that's about it. Seeing as someone won't tell us a thing about our battle plan," she says giving me a pointed look. Everyone turns to look at me, even Krista, with curiosity and eyebrows raised.

I shake my head.

"Nope, y'all find out with the rest of them," I reply and turn, walking away, farther into the woods.

Since it was dark out, the forest was quiet, with the exception of the hoot from the owls and chirps of the crickets. It was extremely peaceful just walking through the cool air without having the worry of being killed or snuck up from behind. It was also a nice way to forget the problems happening in the world.

I sigh. Honestly, I didn't really even have a battle plan. Being independent, I usually came up with a battle plan right before the fight. It was easy since it was just me. I would survey the surroundings and the people, taunting them and testing out their strengths weaknesses before striking. Simple.

I grimaced. Lucifer.

That man hated my family I'm sure more then anything and anyone else in the world. We had a little run in with him on accident. Apparently, whatever he had against us had started centuries ago.

The memory hits me like Sergeant Drews fist from the academy.

"Ah, you must be Charlie Swan. Aw, and is this little Isabella," Lucifer cooed at my nine year old self. I grimaced and wrinkled my nose in disgust. He smelled worse then the two cats that died next door and had been left out for the sun and birds. His voice, nails down a chalk board. And I thought Hades was bad.

"This does not concern my daughter," my father said forcefully.

Lucifer smirked and leaned foreword. "Oh, but I think it does handsome. You and I both know that. She is your first born, bright, intelligent, beautiful, and carries the genes. Just remember that Swan," he sneers. Father falters.

"I will protect her. You'll never get her."

"Oh, but I think I will."

Lucifer turns and heads towards the front door, pausing with his hand on the handle.

Looking over his should, he smirks, looking straight at me.

"I'll be back Isabella."

I woke up with a start and flew off my bed before someone grabbed onto my arms from behind. On instinct, I flip and kicked out with my feet. The person went flying to the floor and I quickly landed ontop of them with dagger in hand.

"Damn Peach," he sputters coughing. My vision focuses as I recognize the voice and glare.

"What the hell Spence! Are you insane?!"

"Not as insane as the creepy blonde vamp that's been pacing back and forth outside your door since you got here," he retorts.

The sounds echoes the room as I slap Spence and jump off of him, heading towards the door. Opening the door, I look behind me at Spence, still on the ground clutching his face in shock.
Before slamming the door, I give him some parting words.

"By the way, get the hell out of my room, and stop calling me Peach."

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