Chapter 29: Future

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I was nervous, nervous as hell. More nervous then I'd ever been, even when I had to face our martial arts teacher back at HQ. Would he reject and kill me? Say we're good but still hates me?

I kept my face blank and used my shield to block my emotions so he wouldn't be able to know them. Unless he already caught my nervousness.

"Sure, lets talk," I tell him blankly and lead him upstairs and to the roof.

The sun that usually shun bright and high, was now blocked by the thick layer of clouds. Just another dreary day in Texas it seemed.

I turned and leaned against the ledge in the same place I was yesterday when I talked with Alice, or where Alice talked to me.

Jasper didn't say anything.

"Well?" I question raising an eyebrow.

He frowns.

"Why- why didn't you tell me that Maria was after me? Why didn't you tell us about you being an Angel? Why did you just suddenly leave us? Why-" I cut him off.

"Firstly, I never said Maria was after you. I just said she was coming." Jasper gives me a look. "Alright, so it was probably implied when I said she was coming. Secondly, I didn't tell you about me being an Angel because it would lead to to much conflict. You heard what Alice said, I could die during any mission.

"Thirdly, I just suddenly left because it was better then having to spend hours trying to explain everything when I had to leave. Besides, I knew stuff was off with Edward and I didn't want to tell him anything," I finish exasperated, and look at Jasper as if forcing him to understand with my stare.

He stares at me for the longest time. Seeming slightly frustrated as his eyes flicker around my face, trying to gauge my emotions. Finally, he sighs and glares up at the sky when he can't find anything beneath my blank stare. Running a hand through his hair, his eyes flicker back to me.

"God, why must everything be so complicated?" Jasper mutters finally, running his hand through his hair over again.

Throwing my hands in the air I say, "How can this be that complicated?! Wars coming, Maria's after you, Earth's about to become Hell, I'm an Angel-"

"That's the thing!" he snaps, spinning back around and taking a few steps toward me.

"You. Left. It was like you had taken a part of m- us, with you," he stumbles shaking his head.

"Edward thought I had done something, planted doubts in everyone's head," Jasper mutters quietly. Thought, I catch it with my improved hearing

My anger flares instantly.

"That bastard," I hiss. Clenching then unclenching my hands, I hold back the urge to punch something.

"I should've known. Should never have expected anything less from Lucifer," spitting his name out like a curse, I suddenly realize how close Jasper and I had come. Immediately, I force my focus on anger and move back quickly and start pacing.

"Right, Lucifer," Jasper says, seeming lost in thought and hopefully not realizing how close our proximity had been.

My thoughts become so muddled, I'm lucky I could remember my name at the moment. I couldn't seem to be able to focus and grasp at one thought.

So I did the first thing that came to my mind.

I screamed.

Orders of course. I screamed orders. I'm pretty sure I scared everyone dead, and that they would become tone deaf because of me. I'm also pretty sure Antartica had a chance of hearing me to.

Something didn't feel right. All arrows immediately pointed to Lucifer. But there was also the chance it could be Maria. Only thing was, Maria was a bitch. Lying, scheming, hard-headed bitch. She was smart, but not that smart.

Everyone was outside and standing in groups just like I told -cough, well, yelled at- them too. I felt like I was going insane, losing control.

Barking out orders, I had Jade, Landon, Lydia, and Jasper show the others fighting technics. I felt like I had power, that I would rule this world. Nothing could stop me.

I smiled as I watched. The smile didn't feel right. It felt off. It felt wrong. Not like me.

The world started to sway, I believe I told Jade I was getting a drink and would be right back. Hurrying into the kitchen, I grabbed a coke and ibuprofen before pounding up the stairs.

Entering the room, I downed the coke and meds before dropping the can on my bedside and falling on my bed. Nausea kicked in, but I didn't vomit. My head started to pound and the world spun. Black spots appeared.

No matter how many times I blinked, nothing cleared. I felt heavy. Like the world was suddenly dropped on my body and was left there. Along with Jupiter and a bunch of rocks.

The world spun one last time before I was out like the dead.



Staring intently forward, he started to shake. His fists shook uncontrollably and I thought he was going to have a seizure.

Rushing forward, I caught him as he fell and carried him to his bed. Laying him down his eyes fluttered open and said the words that made me laugh and jump with joy.

"It worked!" he manages to gasp out before he's knocked out.

We'll have to work on getting him stronger so he can hold his focus much longer, and do some real damage.

A cackle escaped me and I jumped up and down with glee.

We could get to her. She could come with us and help us rule this pitiful place called Earth.

We'll be so powerful.

This world, is ours!


:) Hola

I've been doing my exams and testing.

That's the only excuse I have for you.

I apologize.

Oh, and the fact I keep getting hate about my stories. So, as you can see, it hasn't given me much motivation to update. Which, I apologize again.

This story will probably be the only one I'll be updating for awhile until schools out which is in about two months.

I have a question, if you've read more then one of my stories/all of them (which makes you one of the most awesomest people ever), which ones your favorite?

I have to say, this story is mine. But, I want your opinion, please:)


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