Like outside of here?

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I keep taking deep breaths as the time was ticking close to 3:30.

I was going to ask Intak if he wanted to hang out with me this Saturday. There was a new movie playing at the cinema and I wanted to see if he wanted to go with me.

I look at the clock behind me and my nerves started to get worse as I see the clock said 3:30.

I look at the front entrance and wait to see the boy come into view.

My hands were so sweaty and my heart was pounding crazily. I wipe my hands on my pants and trying to calm myself.

Then I hear the bell ring and I look up.

All nerves and anxiety had vanished as he looks at my direction with a pretty smile on his face.

"Hey Jiung!" He says happily and waves at me cutely.

I bring my hand up and give a small and short wave. And giving him a small smile back.

"Hi Intak." I say calmly. But to me it sounded like I was awestruck by his presence.

He just continues to smile and then makes his way to his usual spot for his usual drink.

I take another deep breath and give myself some motivation comments.

Come on Choi Jiung! You can do this!

He'll say yes!

But what if he doesn't?

Then great, I would've just embarrassed myself.

I'll have to quit my job, move towns and change my name.

"Jiung?" I shake the thoughts away as my name was called out.

Intak looking at me with concern.

"Ah sorry. Is that all?" I ask and grab the bottle.

He 'mhmm' in response.

"Hey uhhh, can I ask you something?" I start to say.

He nods and gives me the money to pay.

"Are you perhaps,,,busy this Saturday?" I ask and hand him his change.

"Hmm, I'm not. Why?" Intak asks in a cute way.

"Well there's a new movie playing on Saturday. And well I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. To see it." I feel my cheeks burn with every word I spoke.

"You mean hang out? Outside of here?" He gestures to the gas station.

I nod.

"Okay!" He says cheerfully.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Oh gosh, he said yes!

"Great. Then Saturday at the Maple Cinema at 3:30." I tell him.

"Saturday at 3:30. Okay, see you then."

Intak leaves with one last smile and wave and he was out of view.

I fall to my knees from all the anxiety and nervousness.

I brush a hand through my hair.

I can't believe I did it. And he said yes.

Now I have to make a good impression to him on Saturday.

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