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I get ready for the date. Dressing in a purple sweatshirt and white washed jeans.

Not really styling my hair as I think it looked good enough.

Intak messaged me to meet at the bus stop near my work.

I kept asking where we were going but he kept saying, "it's a surprise."

I double check to see if I had everything and then walk to the bus stop.

I see Intak standing by the bus stop. Looking down at his phone.

"Hey Intak!" I shout as I start to jog on over.

Intak looks up from his device and automatically smiles at my presence.

"Hi!" He says bubbly.

He was dressed in a black sweatshirt and camouflage pants.

He looked really good.

"Alright. Tell me where we are going." I say and tug on his arm.

"Whiny aren't we? But fine I'll tell you."

"That was easy." I say but still holding onto his arm.

"We're going to....drum roll please!" He starts to do a really bad drum roll sound but it was a cute attempt.

"The amusement park!" He exclaims.

"Wah! But isn't that expensive! Let me pay for half of it." I insisted.

He shakes his head, a smile still on his face.

"I brought you on this date. So I'm paying for everything."

The bus arrives and we get in. He paid for both of us and we sat down.

He gave me the window seat.

"I wanna ride the really big rollercoasters! Oh oh! And eat some sweets and the delicious food!" Intak starts to plan the whole day.

"Are we eating first or?" I ask.

"Should we eat first? I feel like we'll throw up during the rides." He says.

"Okay. We'll ride some of the rides first. Grab something to eat. Play a few games then ride the rides again. Then have dinner." I say planning it out.

Intak nods, liking he plan.

"This is going to be a date that you will never forget!"

And that was a promise.

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