Chapter 22 🌠🌠

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Hi lovelies..... hope you all safe and happy....i am very happy to see 29k views in my story...all credits to you guys....pls help me to raise the votes also.... So next chapter is here and dnt forgot to vote and comments 🙏🙏😇

Evening when everyone left Anupam and Nivi was there preparing the PPT of the next presentation.

Anupam took a small break and prepared coffee for them. Nivi hesitantly had it. It's almost 10 when they wind up the works

"Come I will drop you" Anupam told

"Excuse me sir did I asked you any help?" She questioned which he nodded no

"Then I can take care of myself" she said and went out taking her bag.

"Is she became mad? This stubborn lady!" Anupam frowned and went to parking area.

He saw her standing in the bus stand for bus. He too waited keeping a decent distance.

"Why are you following me? Dnt you have any other work" she shouted on him

"Then come I will drop you Nivi. Dnt be stubborn" he asked

"I dnt want your help Mr. Mind your own business" she shouted and turned back. After waiting for more than 15 mints there is no trace of any vehicle.

Leaving all her ego she turned to see him but found the empty road. For seconds she got panic and griped her dupatha.

"If you are having this much fear then why this ego drama Ms.Niveditha" Anupam said from her behind.

"It's none of your business and who asked you to scare me like this idiot" she shouted at him

"Fine dnt get hyper, atlast i am asking will you come with me or not?" He questioned

"A big no Mr" she said clearly

"Fine then do whatever you want. I will check the headlines tmrw whether you are safe or not. Bye Ms.Niveditha" he mocked and drove off from their.

Nivi got tears in her eyes. She thought he will wait for her or will ask another time. Somewhere she knew that he is a innocent person. But she can't mingle with any man as they don't exist in her life.

After 10 mints she got a auto and went to the orphanage. One pair of eyes witnessed everything till she closed the home door. It's Anupam who called the auto and checked her safe return.

"You are doing too much Nivi hereafter I dnt have patience for your ego. Let's start the ignore game dear" he thought and went to his home.

Whole night Nivi thought about her ill behaviour with him. He did so much to her but all she give away is hate but she can't love him too. It's totally confusing her. She dozed off being tired

In Maldives

"Manik leave me I am feeling sleepy" she pushed him who is sucking her blossom.

"Baby little more pls" he pleaded bitting her

"Ha you monster leave me already I am very much sore and moreover I dnt have energy too" she pouted

"Too bad you are making me starve for you" he complained and took her in his arms and slept as per her wish.
Next morning he visited few more places with all giggles and kinky things.

In India Nivi came to office looking for Anupam.

"May I come in sir?" He knocked the door


"Sir the final presentation is here" she forwarded the file.

"That's great be ready for the meeting. Hope you prepared well" he asked seeing the file and she nodded

Manan FF Love? Nah Lust😉 18+ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now