The geek shop

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Oh. My. God.

He's here. He's working today.

There, through the open glass doors stood a smiling 5'11 of pure hotness. This was my favourite shop on this street that I used to spend hours upon hours on admiring all the little geeky trinkets I wish I had the shelf space to own. But ever since I entered in there once 5 months ago and discovered a new employee who took my breath away with just one tiny "hi", my visits are few and short. He's always here!

He had long black hair past his shoulders that I wanted to brush through. You want to brush his hair? You can't act like a crazy 13 year old Directioner anymore, Dolly.

He always wore plain black clothing, the uniform dress code for the place, so I never had any idea if we had similar interests or not.

Just then, as I'm walking past I see him head to the back door. I assume he's going on break so I decide it's safe to enter. I duck in trying to not be spotted by the guy behind the desk and get to looking at the 'What's New' manga section.

From a very young age I've struggled with shyness and Social Anxiety but through counseling and therapy I've learned how to do the basics like talk to strangers at work or make friends. But never how to get a boyfriend. I can't be around guys who I find even slightly attractive without losing the knowledge on how to turn oxygen into carbon dioxide and feel like my heart is beating out of chest. I don't find many people attractive day to day so I survive at work not too bad.

Just as I'm flicking through a book trying to remember if I've already got it already I hear,

"See ya."


I catch Mr.Hunk walking out the doors from the corner of my eye and let out a sigh of relief knowing I can browse for as long as I want.

I keep looking over everything and get closer to the Funko Pop section of the shop. They have Scrump! Okay, I'm getting that.

Immediately, I grab the Pop off the shelf and go straight to the glass boxed counter before I can overthink myself out of the purchase. As I'm digging around my shoulder bag for my purse Mr.Hunk comes walking back in again behind me, I don't see him at first, not until he comes to the counter.

"Forgot my phone." He states as he goes around me and reaches under the counter to retrieve his belonging. I'm frozen in place like I'm the kids in Jurassic Park in the kitchen hoping if I don't move he won't notice me.

I stay still with my hands in my bag until Mr.Hunk leaves. In the time of him picking up his forgotten belonging, I couldn't help but let the phone catch my attention as a notification popped up. The background of his was phone plain and simple. Block red with the Horde symbol in the middle. My mind squeaked He plays World Of Warcraft!

My shoulders dropped a little relaxing at the sign of familiarity and pleased that I now know we have something in common. But how would I bring that up in conversation? That would mean I'd have to admit to looking at his phone..

I must've gotten lost in my thoughts as the worker behind the desk asked,

"Found it yet?"

As soon as my mind registered his words it was like magic my purse appeared in my hand,

"Er, Yeah." I stumbled.

I paid for my Pop figure and walked right out of the shop too embarrassed to make chit chat or eye contact with anyone.


A week had passed since my last visit to the shop, I'd decided it was enough time for the workers to meet other customers and forget about me. So after work I took the bus to the other side of the city and headed straight for it.

It was raining and I rushed in forgetting to check for Sir Hotness through the windows. It was not in my mind until I overheard chatting going on behind me. Poopballs.

"No, no, no. You've got it all wrong. Heath Ledger is the best joker we've ever had."

"Yeah, on the big screen. But Cameron Monaghan captured an essence of madness to the joker."

I couldn't tell what voice belonged to who but I knew I wouldn't to join in. With a big breath in, I turned around and started speaking with all the confidence I had in me.

"You're both wrong. Mark Hamill is the best joker we've ever seen on the big screen and little." I ended with a bit of smile, impressing myself at my boldness.

There stood the guy who served me with my Scrump Pop last week leaning over the counter and next to him, standing in the gap into the area behind the counter stood Mr.Hunk.

"Oh yeah? What makes you say that?" Mr.Hunk asked curiously. 

"Well, for starters he's held the role for years so there's much more content to enjoy from him. Hamill's Joker voice is so exact to the character of the joker by being ever so slightly croaky but full of life at the same time. His volume talking stays the same the whole time showing talent that he doesn't need to shout for his words to scare you. And probably the best of all, his laugh. Hamill's Joker laugh is the most iconic. It sounds like nothing ever heard before, its individual to him. Just like the Joker himself, he's so different to any other character in the Batman universe. With no context at all, you could hear his laugh and be scared. Be scared of laughter. Its maddening how brilliant that is. Pun intended." I finished.

"His laugh? That's all you've got?" Now it was the other workers turn to smile thinking he had me.

"Don't get me wrong, Heath Ledger is amazingly talented. But what was mad about him? He burned some money? So? Just make some more in a factory? Hamill literally turned a sane girl, Harleen Quinzel, into insane in just a couple of hours. When dying he imported his blood around Gotham to infect others with his DNA to create more Joker's after he passed. That's crazy." By the time I finished the other's workers smile had gone and transported itself onto Sir Hotness.

"Who are you?" Other worker asked.

"Dolly." I replied. Both their eyebrows raised with surprise or disbelief I don't know. After some more seconds of silence I kept talking trying to not let my mind go crazy with Sir Hotness non stop staring at me.

"Like the singer. My mum loves 9 to 5. What about you?" I continued.

"Nice. I'm Dan." Mr Hunk or now I guess Dan.

"You're in here all the time." The other worker chose to say rather than answer me.

"And he's Tom." Dan nodded in his direction.


Not finished and that's why never published but I'm not sure where to go with it now. 

Romance one shots (may contain some sexual content)Where stories live. Discover now