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He wipes the sweat from his forehead and takes a sip of water, staring at the message on his phone for the millionth time.

Sammie's in Seoul?

He doesn't know how to feel about this. It's been four months since he saw her and he never thought he'd see her again. But she's here and his heart is racing.

"What's the matter, hyung?" Soobin asks from across the studio, noticing Yeonjun's concerned look.

"Sammie's in Seoul..." he whispers, keeping his eyes glued to his screen. "She needs a place to stay for a few days. Her landlord scammed her."

"Can she stay with us?" Kai asks as he stretches on the floor.

"Where is she gonna sleep?" Taehyun shoots Kai a look. "Our place is tiny, we have no space for another person."

"But she needs a place to stay -- we can't just leave her out on the street," Beomgyu responds, shooting Yeonjun a look.

"Yeah, she says she has no money for a hotel," Yeonjun confirms, looking over at Taehyun, then at Soobin.

"Do you want her to stay with us, hyung?" Soobin asks seriously, crossing his arms. "She rejected you twice already, it's gonna be awkward."

Yeonjun looks up from his phone, glancing at the four boys around him.

"I think third time's the charm." And with a smirk, he writes Sammie back as fast as he can.



"Meet me at Daechi Station in an hour. Don't worry. We'll figure it out :)"

Thank god... It'll probably be awkward but at least I'll have a place to stay tonight.

I have no idea how far away this station is from where I am, so I jump back on the train quickly so I can be on my way.

After 30 minutes or so, I get off and find a bench on the platform to sit down. I know I'm early because I don't see Yeonjun anywhere. So I check my phone one more time. No new messages.

Alright, deep breath in. One step at a time.

The stress of today combined with my extreme jet-lag make me feel sleepy, so I lean back against the wall and doze off. I don't know how long I've been sleeping, but after a while I become aware of someone calling my name.


I open up my eyes and see a Yeonjun peering down at me. He pulls down his black face mask, and flashes me a smile. "Hey there!"

"Ohmygod, Yeonjun! ... Hi!" I sit up quickly, making sure I have no drool coming out of my mouth. "Th-- Thanks for meeting me here..."

"It's no problem." He smiles. "But I can't stay long, I have to get back to the dance studio in an hour." Holding his hand out to me, he helps me up and puts his hand around my shoulder to pull me into a side hug. "I'm happy to see you. I didn't think I'd see you again."

I let out a laugh and glance down at the floor. How do I tell him that things weren't working out with Mark and I needed some space? Or that he's been on my mind since we kissed in that tiny closet at Center Stage? I don't want him to think I'm here because of him, because I'm not-- it's complicated.

So I look up to him with a smile and say, "One of my professors recommended that I apply for jobs here, since they're pretty easy to find."

His earrings dangle as he nods. He shoots me a quick smile and then grabs the two suitcases next to me. "Well, let me take these. They look heavy."

DO YOU LOVE ME - yeonjun x oc [book 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now