n i n e t e e n

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It's gonna be okay, Sammie. Just breathe.

Chaelin notices something's wrong and asks Mark if he wants a glass of water. As she leads him to the kitchen, Yeonjun takes my wrist and pulls me out of the apartment and into the hallway where Mark won't hear us. But my heart is beating so fast that I can't think straight.

"Yeonjun-- I'm sorry, I had no idea he was coming-- I don't want him to be here--"

But he takes my hands and lowers his gaze to meet mine. "Sammie, it's okay--"

"No, it's not-- He's staying for a whole month-- We won't be able to see each other..."

"Then break up with him, Sammie," he says, point blank.

"Yeonjun, I can't do that-- He'll--"

But he cups my face in his hands and kisses me deeply for a few moments before pulling away to look me in the eye.

"Yes, you can. Just think about it, okay? Think about how happy you've been the past few weeks," he looks down, taking my hand in his and kissing it softly. "And listen to the song I told you about."


When I walk back inside, I see Chaelin's gone back to her room and Mark is sitting at the table on his laptop, probably working. His back is turned to me, but when he hears me walk into the living room he shoots me a big grin and holds his hand out to me.

"Where'd you go, babe?" He pulls me into his lap and hugs me tight. "Is everything okay?"

"I walked Yeonjun out... and yeah, I'm fine... I, um-- I invited him and our friends over for dinner on Saturday so you can meet them. They're Chaelin's friends too, so..."

"Oh, that sounds nice." He smiles, and then turns quiet, noticing the look on my face. "Aren't you happy to see me?" He grins. "I wanted to surprise you."

I take a deep breath in and try to smile. "Yeah, I'm happy to see you, but--"

"But what, babe?"

The defensiveness in his voice already puts me on edge, but I don't care. I'm allowed to tell him what I think.

"I'm just-- I wasn't ready to have you visit me, Mark-- I'm here because I felt like we needed space, and now you're here for a whole month? I wish you would've at least asked me, baby."

He scoffs and furrows his eyebrows. "I didn't think I needed permission to visit my girlfriend."

"You don't-- That's not what I meant--"

"Sammie, I traveled over 14 hours to see you. I care about you,  I missed you..." He trails off and glances down at the floor. "To be honest, it hurts that you're disappointed. I thought this is what you wanted."

I take a deep inhale to keep my head straight. But I can't.

"Look, I've had a long day--" I say. "I'm gonna shower, clear my head, and then maybe we can talk, okay?"

"Alright... Whatever you say..."

I go to the bathroom and text Yeonjun about the dinner plans. He's unsure at first but says he'll get the guys to come with him.

I feel relieved that at least I'll see him again soon, so I  shower and start getting ready for bed.

When I get out of the shower,  I see Mark arranging his clothes in my wardrobe, pushing my things around carelessly. It irritates me to see him in my personal space, but it's not until I see him pull  Yeonjun's hoodie out of the drawer that I panic.


"Babe? Is this yours?" He asks, holding it out in front of him to see how big it is.

"Oh-- um, yeah-- I got it here about a month ago— Why?" I say nonchalantly while I dry my hair.

"It looks like a man's hoodie..." he says suspiciously. He then pushes it into his nose. "It smells like a man."

"Can you not, Mark?" I give him a playful look and take the hoodie from him. "I like to wear big hoodies when I sleep. This is mine."

But Mark turns to me as I plop down on the bed. His arms are crossed and he looks upset.

"Why are you being such a bitch, Sammie?"

"Excuse me?"

"I traveled over half a day to see you, and all I get from you is attitude. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I try to keep a straight face, but I see it coming. I see the anger boiling in his eyes. So I become determined to calm him down.

"Nothing's wrong, Mark. I've had a long day and I'm tired. That's all, baby. Come-- Just come to bed so we can rest..."

He takes a deep breath in and runs his fingers through his hair, turning away from me to gather his thoughts.

"You're right-- I'm sorry-- I just--"

"It's okay, just come to bed." Giving him a small smile, I pat the spot next to me.

[Trigger  warning: SA]

As he gets ready for bed, I turn off my lamp and pull up the blanket over my shoulder. And as I start to doze off, I feel the mattress dip next to me. Mark slides his arm over my waist and pulls me close to snuggle, but I know he wants more.

"Baby, I'm tired--"

"But it's been so long, Sam. I missed you..."

His hand slides under my shirt and he cups my breasts. My body tenses up. I don't want this. I don't want him to touch me-- I don't want him anywhere near me--

But even though I push his hand away and tell him I'm tired,  he doesn't stop.

"Mark-- Please--"

"Come on, Sammie--" he says roughly, yanking down my shorts. "It's been two months-- Let me fuck you--"

"No, Mark--"

I tug my shorts back up, but he pins me down to the mattress and kisses me suddenly, putting his hand on my neck and pulling me close to him.

I try to kiss him back, but it doesn't feel right. I don't want to do this with him.

He senses my hesitation and it turns him on even more, so he pulls my pants down forcefully.

"Mark-- please, I'm tired--" I protest, trying to pull my pants back up, but he grabs my hand and presses it against the mattress so I can't move. "Mark--"

"I'll be quick, babe-- I really need you right now," he growls in my ear and sucks on my neck, while his hands roam over my body like it belongs to him.

I squirm under his weight. He's so much bigger than me.

But there's no use.


The next chapter also has a trigger warning, so please take care when reading.

DO YOU LOVE ME - yeonjun x oc [book 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now