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I sat at my window, daydreaming. Snow flakes fell onto the ground below. i snuggled up at my computer with a cup of tea in a white knitted sweater and watched my favourite TV shows.

I hear a light tap on my window and see a rock fall. I giggle and flick my light brown curls of hair over my shoulder. I open the shutter of my window and look down.

There he was. Standing with a rose in the cold snow. He cheeks were a faint red because of the cold. His patterned black and white beanie and light purple sweater were my favourite winter clothes of his.

He came over every Tuesday with a present and we watched movies until dinner. I smiled and bit my lip. He brushed his dark brown fringe out of his eye and begin the walk to the door.

That's my boyfriend. Lucas Friar.


Thanks so much for reading my Prologue. I hope you enjoy my story. and if you were wondering, no it's not about anyone! I used to have a story but deleted. I'm hoping this one will be better. :) Byeeee ~Lozza.

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