~Of emotions~

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Rowan's POV:
I wake up and do my usual morning routine. Stretch, eat, get dressed and go to school. Maya and I catch each other up on all that has happened in the past couple of hours. I whip out my IPhone 5 and start playing our favourite song, 'Take On The World', which we are quite good at singing I might add.
"So," Maya begins cheerily. "You know what's coming up." She claps her hands quickly. I raise an eyebrow.
"Uhhh.... Right, right! That thing." I awkwardly smile.
"You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"
"Wh-a-at? Yeah I d-, Oh fine. No I don't."
She giggles and links her arm around mine.
"Well, At school there's th-" The loud bell indicating the classes are about to start, cut her off.
"Oh my gosh!" We both yell and hold our ears. The bell is extremely loud. You could probably hear it in England! We burst into laughter until people started staring.

"Ok well, I'll see you in History!" Maya wraps one arm around me.

"See you Maya!" I wave and head off to Science.

Lucas and I both have science together. We both love the experiments that we do, especially the ones involving Bunsen burners. I strut down the tiled ground and walked to room 110. I hook my bag up onto the hooks outside and walk up to and empty bay. I tie my hair back into and bun on top of my head examine the chalk board in front of the class.

I feel someone 'boop' my hair. I whip myself around and grab the hand that was still near my head. I look up and Lucas is infront of me with his cheeky grin on his face.

"Excuse me, Mr. Friar!" I laugh. He looks at his hand, which I still was holding tightly infront of me. He smiles and pulls up a stool with his free hand. I refuse to let go of his hand and he knew it. Lucas tickles me and kick my legs around and finally let go of his hand. Miss Brown eventually rings to bell and everyone's attention was then on the board.

Around 2 hours later, it was finally lunch. I skipped down to the cafeteria and grabbed a lunch tray. I made my way to the counter and smiled.
"Hello!" I say, cheerily.
"Hello Miss Rowan!" The lunch lady, Geralyn, says calmly. She notices my eyes locked on the food infront of me. "It's fish stick Wednesday, your favourite."
I tap my feet on the spot excitedly. Geralyn puts four fish sticks on my plate, then put one more. I look at her confused. She never gives 5! She smiles and winks at me.
"Bye Geralyn!"

I walk over to our usual lunch table. Maya was already sitting there.
"Hey Ro!" She yells excitedly. I 'plonk' my stuff down and take a seat opposite her.
"Hey Maya!" I yell, mimicking her tone. We stare with great interest at our food. We make eye contact, then look back at the food.
"Goooo!" We yell.
We dig into our food, fork load after fork load. We burst into laughter and continue eating.

"So..... Rowan, have you thought about the 'School Thing' yet?" Maya looks at me hopefully. I shake my head.
"What school thing?"
"You know! Dancing with a special someone." She whispers, wiggling her eyebrows up and down when she says special someone. I still shake my head confused. Maya rolls her eyes. "Fine. I'll give you the hint the non-exciting way! You spend around 6 hours of your day trying to find something to wear for it!" Maya looks at me, praying that I would under stand. Then, the memory ticks on in my mind.

"Oooooh!" I say, a bit too loud. "The dance this Friday!"
She falls back in her chair, letting out s sigh of relief. "Finally!"
"Well, to answer your question, no I haven't."
Maya puts a devilish look on her face and lifts an eye brow.
"Nows your chance!" She points over at the cafeteria door and Lucas is walking towards us. I smile at him and he grins back. Lucas puts his tray down next to me and put his backpack by his feet.
He leans down and kisses my head and knuckles Maya.
"Hey Lucas." We both say.
"Hey girls. How've you been the past couple of hours that I haven't seen you?"
"Great thanks!" We reply at the same time.
Lucas takes a bite of his food and I steal a chip from his plate.
"So Lucas." I say.
"So Rowan." He copies, which makes me smile.
"I need to ask you something!" We both say, at the exact same time. That hardly ever happens! We both laugh.
"You first." He insists.

"Alright! So the dance this weekend, do you want to go with me? I mean my dad can pick us both up and stu-"

"Sorry, Rowan. I can't." He cuts me off.

"Yay! Great I was really nervous to as-.... Wait... what?"

"I'm sorry. I just can't." He looks at me then down at his food. There was dead silence between us.

"W-what were you gonna ask?" I ask him. It takes him a couple of seconds to answer.

"Oh, uuuh - is it alright if I come over to your place this after noon? I need to talk to you." Lucas says in a plain voice.

"Yeah sure!"

Anytime he would not be able to do things I'm certain to understand. I understand this times too! It's just that, this is a big night. I want him to enjoy it too. Maybe that's why he's not coming, because he doesn't enjoy it?
Nothing could hide the disappointment inside of me though.

"I'm done." I try and say happier than my mood. I stand up and grab my tray. I hug Lucas and Maya then walk away.
I chuck my lunch into the bin and walk out of the cafeteria.

I walk at a fast pace to my locker and grab out my history book. I hurry to my next class and check my phone for the time.


I still had 10 minutes. I slide my back down the wall and sit down on the floor. I clutch my back in my knees.

This after noon was mostly on my mind.

Lucas is breaking up with me...

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