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Here is my final fanfic project for ONC this year.

What prompt are you using?

For this novella I am using prompt thirty, "'Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. - Rumi."

What fandom are you writing for?

I am writing for the Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom.

Is there anything else readers need to know?

This is a Lu Ten lives as well as story which pairs Lu Ten and Ursa together, but Lu Ten is also Zuko's real father rather than Ozai.

Of course, certain fans of the series will point to the scene in The Beach where it shows a young Lu Ten playing in the sand with Zuko. The problem with that particular scene is, it's told from Zuko's POV and Zuko at the time was still an infant and so he might not actually realize there is a larger age gap between him and Lu Ten. As such, it is completely possible.

Where did the idea come from? It first came from when Lu Ten died and Ursa wept a single tear at reading the letter, but then went into full gear upon reading the scenario for The Search.

Oh, and this is a giftfic on top of ONC challenge, but it is a giftfic to the person who encouraged me to go the route of Lu Ten/Ursa and Zuko being his child in my To Lose or to Gain series. This particular story arc is partially AU to the rest of the series, yet also covers some of the things I would have otherwise covered in one-shots for the main series, all of which I've been really wanting to write, particularly for Kelsey whose been also looking forward to these parts.

As for those who don't know the fandom, the canon character Zuko suffers from both emotional and physical abuse on the part of his in canon father Ozai and his in canon sister Azula. Specifically, in canon Ozai burns Zuko's face leaving him scarred.

Word Progress

- Chapter 1 ~ 1,080 words
- Chapter 2 ~ 2,682 words
- Chapter 3 ~ 4,190 words
- Chapter 4 ~ 5,348 words
- Chapter 5 ~ 6,421 words
- Chapter 6 ~ 7,515 words
- Chapter 7 ~ 8,634 words
- Chapter 8 ~ 9,658 words
- Chapter 9 ~ 10,784 words
- Chapter 10 ~ 11,845 words
- Chapter 11 ~ 13,141 words
- Chapter 12 ~ 14,257 words
- Chapter 13 ~ 15,455 words
- Chapter 14 ~ 16,584 words
- Chapter 15 ~ 18,024 words
- Chapter 16 ~ 19, 446 words
- Chapter 17 ~ 20,488 words
- Chapter 18 ~ 21,723 words
- Chapter 19 ~ 22,963 words
- Chapter 20 ~ 24,493 words
- Chapter 21 ~ 25,702 words
- Chapter 22 ~ 26,836 words
- Chapter 23 ~ 27,900 words
- Chapter 24 ~ 29,321 words - fin

To Lose or to Gain: Boiling Point (Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now