'Nice to meet you?'

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"Hey Georgenotfound-" Before George could even say hi back the other voice spoke again. "Huh? Who's this?" The other voice was about to speak again until he got interrupted.

"TO-" "Wait.. whos this?" Another voice spoke no one even noticed that someone else joined the call.

"Hello Tommy and Tubbo." George wasnt able to speak before as they both kept talking before he could say a word. "To answer your question this is Dream and Sapnap"

"Hello! Im Tubbo and-"

"He likes bee's" Tommy interrupted Tubbo. Tommy knew that Tubbo hated how he always did that. "Anyways im Tommy nice to meet you Dream and Sapnap."

"Oh um hey.."

Another voice had been in the call but no one noticed until the other voice spoke. "Tommy.."

".." Tommy was quiet and then spoke again. "Im sorry Tubbo.." Tommy knew that he had to apoligize for interrupting Tubbo.

"Its alright Tommy!" Tubbo responded as he only got a bit annoyed that Tommy interrupted him.

"Oh, hey George!" The voice spoke. "Tommy. Tubbo." As soon as the voice said that Tommy and Tubbo went to vc4. "Sorry about them! Anyways my names Wibur and you are?"

"Im Sapnap! And this is Dream!" Sapnap was glad that Dream was still here as most times Dream would just leave and join back when not so many people were here.

"Hello Sapnap and Dream anyways George im guessing your'e busy then?" Wilbur said George only responded with a simple yeah. "Ah, well bye if you need me im gonna be in vc4 with Tommy and Tubbo."

"Alright bye Wilbur!" George, Sapnap, and Dream continued with the tour.

27 minutes later..

"Thanks for the tour man!" Sapnap had been glad that he got invited as the server seemed chill.

"No problem if you need help you can ask anyone!" George spoke tiredly. "Well im gonna head off to bed."

"Alright, im tired myself aswell we may join tommorow" Sapnap said looking at Dream. (In game) Dream just nodded. (Also in game)

GeorgeNotFound left the game
Sapnap left the game
Dream left the game

What a long day. Dream thought to himself as he started brushing his teeth so he could go to sleep.



Hello! :D just kinda want to say that im sorry this isn't that long hopefully this didn't upset you! :]


Also I dom't work on this story that much so sorry-

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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