Chapter 35 - Back together

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We are now a little far from the party house and there is no one in this street except for us.

"Surprise bitch!" Dom comes out of nowhere and stands infront of us, making my heart skip a beat from horror.

"What.. is" It comes from my mouth in slow motion. I don't know what is happening to me.. not able to think right, not able to control my body. It's so weird.

"Okay man! That's it for me I need to go back there. Here's your girl." He takes me from my arm and pushes me to Dom. I almost fall from swaying but Dom holds me from my elbow so hard, it hurts.

"Here's your cocaine. Get-" is all I heard before he hands him some white powder he takes from his pocket. I can't see clearly, everything is foggy and I feel like I could black out any second.

Strong hands push me into a wall, jolting me awake. It stings, sending swells of pain through my body. A chin rests on my shoulder, whoever it is breathing onto my ear..Dom. It's Dom. I don't know why I forgot him for a second.

"Please stop. Please."

I open my mouth to beg him to leave me, when lips clamp down on my ears. They are light at first, and then he bites down harder making me squirm against the wall. The teeth turned to a tongue. It slides over the rim of my ear, causing me to cry out a bit. Two hands slide down my sides and land on my waist, then going further down.

I can't let this happen. No.

I gather all my strength and hit him with my heel bone. His hold loosens on me and I take the chance to run from him but I fall down as soon as I quit his hands.

"You bitch.. You will regret this."

I feel helpless.. no one will help me. he.. he will..

"Don't, please let me go."

His hand grabs a hold of my hair, making me stand up painfully from the ground before his hand hit me and I fall with the force of it. The first slap, is the worst. I haven't expected him to be so strong but there is weight and strength enough to stun. Though his hand is empty, it is like being hit with a hunk of meat nonetheless.

He pushes me to the wall again, now facing him. I don't know what to do. I hope that this is just a bad dream. I close my eyes, holding my fists to wake up. His lips move down to my neck and nip at the tender skin. This will be bad. My skin bruised so easily, I know it would make a mark. He begins to suck at the skin furiously, until I let out a noise of panic and he bites taking a piece of my meat in my shoulder.

The world turns into a blur, and so does all the sounds. The taste. The smell. Everything is just gone. I pause trying to breathe, to hold back the strange feelings rumbling inside me but I can't. A lone tear traces down my cheek, and just like that, the floodgates open. So many tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down my face. My chin trembles as he holds me with one hand and tries to open his belt with his other one. I breathe heavier than I ever had before. I'm gasping for air that simply isn't there. My throat burns forming a silent scream.

Is this god's plan to revenge for what I did? Maybe I deserve this.. I do.

"You son of a bitch." I hear a familiar voice.. Jensen's voice. I must be hallucinating.

There is no weight on me, someone pushes Dom away from me and I immediately fall on my knees.

Jensen, is that you?

Hitting Dom with his head making him fall on the ground was all I saw before I pass out..

My head is heavy, so heavy and the light is shining too bright through the white curtains. White curtains? I reopen my eyes, and look at the strange room. Everything is so perfect, I think I'm in a hotel room. 

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