Chapter 3 - I will kill you, Sarah

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I stay outside of the airport waiting for Sarah to come out. What is taking her so long? We were on the same plane.

Oh there she is, talking with that guy she preferred to sit next to rather than me. She's even laughing and seems to enjoy talking to him. I wonder what she's talking with a stranger she met only five hours ago. We are the exact opposite like literally, sometimes I wonder why we are friends.

Finally she sees me and hugs the stranger before coming my way.

We go on a cab to that hotel 'The Ritz-Carlton, Marina Del Rey' as she told the driver. She said it's a little far from center ville. 

I'm curious about that stranger so I asked her about a million questions about him. His name is Alex. He's a bartender just near the place we're going to. She said he seems like a nice guy and he even gave her his number and his card and she'll make sure to call him soon.

"Sarah. still don't believe that I am here right now." I say looking to the beautiful view of the beach outside.

"Me too. This place is seriously so beautiful and peaceful." She smiles, showing her perfect white teeth.

"Thank you for inviting me." If I didn't take the chance, I would be lying in my bed right now doing something boring or binge watching some Netflix series. I just finished season two of stranger things so maybe I would be watching the third one.

"Told you, girl."

"I think this hotel is so far." It's been thirty minutes and we're still in that taxi. I didn't know it was this far. The view is not interesting at all anymore, there is no buildings no nothing even trees. 

"Yeah." She replies giving me a questioning face. She didn't expect it to be this far too, I guess.

"I hope he's not wandering us to gain more money." I whisper to her ear, hoping the man didn't hear me.

She rises her head to see how much the counter shows, fifty bucks. "What the fuck?!" she snaps loudly and I grab her by her arm to shush her.

"Excuse me sir, is there still a long way?" She asks him.

"No, not too much." He replies looking at us from the front mirror.

"It means we didn't arrive yet." I huff, passing my hand through my brown hair.

"What can I do? fly, huh?" he says, kinda pissed at our behavior.

"You're flying anyways, our inside has come out. Drive slowly please." Sarah says.

"Hey, you're talking too much. If you don't like my way of driving, you may get out of my cab." He snaps at us.

"What the fuck do you mean?" she yells at him, throwing a hand in the air. 

"Get out of my cab, now." He says glaring at us from the front mirror again..

"What are we going to do? Are you going to let us walk until the hotel?" I say trying to gain his pity.

"I don't know. You walk or you fly or whatever."

"It is so far and it's too hot outside and we have our luggage with us." I add

He turns his head towards me and I make my best puppy eyes adding a "Please"

he returns to sit correctly and looks at Anna from the mirror and says "Thank your god that your friend is here."

"Da Hell? Aren't you supposed to take people to wherever they want? You made us get into your fucking taxi so you fucking drive us where we want. As if you're doing it for free." She shouts at him.

I feel like all what I did just went with the wind. There is no way he's going to drive us now, He will definitely throw us away and leave us in the middle of nowhere.

"Calm down Sarah" I say, grabbing her hand, trying to calm her.

She puffs."Don't worry. He is obliged to take us to the hotel and he's not going to leave us here." She gives me a reassuring look.

"Get out right now." He says with a strict tone as he stops the car and gets out and takes our luggage from the trunk.

What a misery where in. Walking in this hot weather which feels like hell as we carry our fucking heavy bags. Hopefully there is only one way so we're sure we're not going to get lost.

"I was about to solve our problem with him if you shut your mouth." I tell her, taking a pause.

"I didn't know he was really going to kick us from his car." She stands next to me putting her hands on her waist.

When I saw the hotel infront of us. It felt like seeing a point of white in an infinity of black. 

"Hey look we arrived." She says happily. "I don't think they will give us jobs as soon as we arrive. Sure there is a short vacation." she adds.

"It's a little bit different from the photos but it's not too bad." 

Yeah totally the photos looked so vivid, green and alive. This place looks all dusty and there's no one in there.

We open the gate and we enter the garden surrounding us. I think there is no one in here because there's literally no sound.

"Is it closed?" I start to worry. There is no sigh of any human being around here. Hell, there is not even a guard infront of the gate.

"Why? No." she says but I can't quiet believe her. She looks terrified just like me.

"Are we sure this is the right place?"

"Anybody here? " she yells.

"Yes." A man's voice comes from behind and surprises us.

"Excuse us, we came here for work. Who do we have to meet?" she asks him.

"Unfortunately, the hotel has been closed and there is no one here except for me. It was going to be sold but the buyer had a heart attack." He says

"Anna, see how life changes from a minute to another." She says completely relaxed. I don't think she's hearing what the man just said.

"Look if we don't enter this hotel now. I'm going to kill you." I warn her quietly because she deserves it.

"But the old owner of this place will reopen it, right?" She asks the man standing infront of us and he gives us that look when you see dumb people.

"Of course, they will open it again next year." He says.

"NEXT YEAR!" We say at the same time.

I can't breathe, I'm going to pass out any second. Did I just come from Tulsa, Oklahoma to LA for nothing? This is not just a ten minute trip. Ugh god ugh. What did I do to deserve this?

"How can I know this? At the end you can't just know the man had a heart attach and died Ann." She says trying to find an excuse but I keep staring at her angrily, taking deep breaths. 

Mom is going to kill me for sure.

"Why didn't they tell you this when you called them?" I ask but she doesn't reply. Now I start thinking, did she even call them?!

"Oh fuck! You didn't even call! I can't believe you Sarah. Normal people call and ask before they go somewhere, don't they?" I yell at her and she keeps staring miserably at the ground.

"Anastasia, relax. We're going to find a place to stay in and then we'll talk, okay?" she says. 

"Is there any hotel near from here?" She asks the man. I totally forgot he's standing just infront us.

He thinks then replies "Nah, I don't think so. Not in this area."

"But no! I saw a hotel in our way." she says making me even more furious.

"I will kill you Sarah!" I grab my bag from the ground and walk the way back.

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