back on tour

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Later that year the boys are going back on tour to different places and harry and Louis always get the bigger bed while on tour as they both sleep together while they had there fun and sleeping niall decides to open the curtain after the boys told him not to as they wouldn't respond and it wake them up and liam and zayn told him not to but he did anyway and he screamed waking them up and they rushed to get under the sheets of the bed and harry went off it by saying "REALLY NIALL THIS IS THE 100TH TIME YOUVE WALKED IN ON ME AND LOUIS HAVING SOME FUN OR US SLEEPING NAKED WE REALLY NEED TO PUT A SIGN UP SYAING DONT  THE CURTAIN WHILE ITS CLOSED AND SORRY ABOUT ANY NOISE THAY COMES ALONE WITH IT NEXT TIME  WE DONT RESPOND WE ARE EITHER ASEEEP NAKED HAVING OUR FUN NIALL "BABE CALM down let's just go back to sleep well be ok "louis says trying to calm down harry "theres no point hell only open the curtain again " harry says this as he begins to get ready zyane tells off niall and louis phones simone and explains the situation and asks for a lock or something to stop niall from oping the curtain or even get a door up on simone then agrees an while the boys are on stage they get a door put on so niall doesn't bother  them again

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