anaversury 28th September 2014

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A year later in 2014 louis and harry became closer and closer and more addicted to each other and louis was forced to hide his relationship with harry and harry was also forced to say he was dating somone which made harry cry every night while louis was still out but 1 night louis came home early  and found harry at the bottom of there bed but louis wanted to scear im by being quiet while coming in but wasn't expecting to find harry crying then louis said "babe what's wrong what's upset you who was it ?" Louis was sad he hates seeing harry cry harry said "boo bear it's nothing I swear it nothing I'm fine dont worrie I'm making food for us tonight let me go get cleaned up " harry said trying to convince him but he was failing and louis kissed him and hugged him tightly and said" no I can see somethings wrong tell me what's wrong or no dessert after dinner " said louis then harry said "I'm getting made to date someone i dont even like dating them i want to tell everyone in the world but we cant its killing me the fans are catching on that's why we have to date people we dont even like " I know" said lou who has just kissed him on the cheek at this point lou then text the group saying " yo boys no one come to mine and Harry's place we are going to have night in tonight so niall dint come please we need alone time and I swear to God niall if you com to ours I'll kill you me and harry need alone time once we get in I'll come see you tomorrow when I'm free ok u can all come round for dinner I'm going to make a cake and Harry's making the best dish in the world so u can come over if its ok with him " ok I wouldn't " all the boys responded with " I've just asked harry and hes ok with it cont come any earlier and 12 please I've got a present for harry but it's not the one your thinking of niall the church boy  " "ewwwwwwww louis really " says liam and zyane "we will defo come round for dinner idk about niall " "defo"says niall . "Harry let's head upstairs your desert is waiting come on " said louis " boo bear I'm not in the mood I'm sorry I'm just going to go to bed now night love you "harry  says to louis lou then says "babe what's wrong you've been off all night this isn't like you I can see your sad harry weve been together since 2011 and we got married in 2013 for God sake just tell me or I'm texting the boys " says lou "it's nothing "harry says "can we just go to bed now please I love you but I just dont want to it " louis then says "babe do you cry every night I have feeling you cry " harry says while crying "yes yes I do while your still out with brana or what ever her name is your more happy with her than you are with me  I can see it when she walks into our house you both always laugh and smile while I'm upstairs wiping away my tears I couldn't tell you this It kills me she makes you more happy than i do " babe that isn't true you make me happy i swear " says lou "I'm going to sleep on the couch it's better If we do that Bruce and cliff can sleep with you tonight or even her she clearly is a better match than i am for you "says harry then he decides to text laim "yo Liam could you pick me up from mine and lous please in about 30 mins please ?" Liam then responds" yea sure no prob " I'll explain in the car I cant wake lou thou or his STUIPd gf the ugly witch " about 30 mins later liam text" I'm outside " "thx Liam lous more happy with that rat so I'm staying at the house icant stay in there with them 2 any longer " harry says then liam says "so is this the end of you and lou  ?" "To be honest liam I dont know right now I'll have to think about it " says harry .
The next morning lou wakes up to brana in his bed and he freaks out and runs to the sitting room to see harry and to tell him she's was in his bed but he notices hes not here and he breaks down in tears then brana tryst to try be nice but lou screams at her and says " this is your fault get out of my house now before I slap you " he tries to call harry but  it harry just declines it little does he now harry was in tears at the other end of the phone and was lising to all the voice messages lou left for him lou had said " hey babe I'm sorry for everything I mean it I woke up with her in your bed I came to see you an you weren't there and I'm not cryo just please come over when the boys do or maybe even ealierly please we need to talk I miss you I'm kicking her out and calling simone now telling him I'm splitting with her and I'm telling them no madder what ""done just come home please " harry then calls lou and says with his voice shaking " hi louis I'm not coming home im coming to get some more clothes when the boys come then I'm sitting in the car waiting for them to be done them I'm heading back to there house for a while I'm sorry I cant be sure I'm even ready for us to split but if we split it's for the best and you can live happily with her "louis says "I'm happy with you I've been crying all morning just at least come in for some food please I love you and miss you "

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