7 Days Till the Invasion

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I sat on top of the wall, looking out at the world past it. It's been a few years since we saw the ocean, and a few years after we learned the truth of the outside world and where titans came from. Ever since then, there has been a sense of panic and fear that pushed down on us as we realized we would have to fight those past the ocean if we ever wanted to be free. Eren was already there, hiding among the others, keeping us updated through letters and secret messages. It's been a few months since I last saw him, I worried for him whenever a letter took longer than expected to get to us.

The wind blew, nearly extinguishing the lantern I had brought up with me to light up the night. I sighed, pulling my cloak closer to me. I had just come from a meeting discussing the mission myself and decided the best way to think it all through was to be alone in the dead of night. They wanted me to knock out the enemy's water units and ports so they would be unable to relay information inland. No, they didn't want me to do it, they wanted the Colossal Titan to do it. It was never "Armin, can you do this?" Instead, it was always "The Colossal Titan will do this." It was always a command, never a question on if I was comfortable. At this point, I just accepted the fact that I was nothing more than a tool for them to use to gain victory. I wonder if this is how Eren felt when he first realized he could shift into the Attack Titan.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I thought about it. I looked down the wall to try and change my focus. Titans hadn't appeared at our doorstep for a few years. Or the few that had come were weak and not worth the time to kill off, not after we learned the truth of them. The Garrison, who now wanted to help in the action in response to the Scouts having to leave the walls, had changed their goal to move titans to a place far off from the walls where they could roam without the chance of killing any humans. As always, there were a few casualties in these missions, but nowhere near as bad as they have been. However, the night was so dark that I couldn't see the ground below me. It was black darkness, which made my mind wonder what was down there. There could be countless titans at the bottom of the wall, all sleeping until the sun rose again. Or an abnormal who was figuring out a way to climb. Maybe Reiner was walking along the base, looking for a good spot to shift and crash the walls in again.


I wiped my eyes and shook my head. Now wasn't the time to think of him, nor was it the time to think of those he came with many years ago. The thought of eating Bertholdt still haunts me to this day, and I'd rather go one night without having nightmares of his screams. Somedays, I feel I can hear his voice talking to me through my own mind as if a part of him is still conscious in me.


"I'm sorry!" I yelled and pulled my hands to my nape, the weakest spot of my body now.

"Woah, woah! Relax, it's just me... It's Jean."

I turned around, and sure enough Jean was standing a few feet away, hands up in defense as his own lantern illuminated his face. His features had hardened over the years, making his jawline stand out more than before. He grew taller, taller than Bertholdt was when he was alive, and he decided to grow his hair out, both that and on his head and a little bit of stubble that scratched my cheek when he leaned in to kiss it. Concerned filled his eyes as he looked at me, standing there while I covered my neck.

"I didn't mean to startle you," he spoke, lowering his hands once I removed mine from my nape. He took a few steps closer, testing the water. I didn't back away, so he came closer till he stood beside me. "You doing okay? I heard they talked about you shifting... I know how much you hate that."

I shrugged and pulled my cape close to me again as the wind picked up. "I expected as much. The situation would've been the same if it was Erwin who was here and not me. Use the Colossal Titan to get the advantage."

Jean took off his own cloak and wrapped it around me. He chuckled when I protested that he would get cold if I kept it. "So why come to the top of the wall?"

I shrugged, looking out at the world again. "I guess... it's sentimental." I could feel him look at me, so I continued on. "When I first joined the scouts, I wanted nothing more than to stand on the wall and look out at the world past it. I'd spend days wondering what I would find out there... Being up here, even though we know, makes me feel like it's a mystery still." I chuckled. "Pathetic, isn't it?"

Jean wrapped an arm around me, pulling me towards his side. "I say you think too much."

"Tell me something I don't know."

He laughed and looked out at the world beyond. "I feel I'd spend more time trying to find something you don't know than I have time in the day."

I leaned my head against his side, feeling his warmth overtake the chill in the air. "How'd you know I was here?"

"I know you, Armin, we've been dating for almost 4 years now. You think I don't know your favorite spots to get away?"

"You asked Mikasa, didn't you?"

"I knew to ask her, which proves my point," he teased. "Why don't we go back to headquarters. I didn't see you eat much before the meeting today."

"Nerves got the best of me."

"I figured as much. Hey, grab the lanterns, okay?"

"Why? I'm not carrying what you brought up. You got big strong arms to do that yourself," I smiled a bit as I grabbed both of our lanterns regardless. His was brighter than mine, but still dim as if he had been outside longer than I thought. Was he walking along the wall for a while before he found me? He must be freezing.

"Exactly, that's why I plan to use them to do this-!" He said as he picked me up the way grooms pick up their brides.

"Jean!" I yelp, wrapping my arms around his neck for support, careful not to hit him with a lantern or catch him on fire. Thankfully neither happened.

He started walking towards the elevator that would take us down to the town. "This is more efficient."

"How so??"

"You're warm now since I shield you from the wind, I get a work out from carrying you, and our lanterns are being brought down in one trip. Easy."

I paused and laughed, leaning my head against his chest. "You're smarter than you look."

"Tell me something I don't know~"

"Did you know that dogs have unique nose prints, much like humans do?"

Jean stepped onto the elevator and stared at me as it started to go down. "You're so lucky you're cute, you know that?" He said with a warm smile on his face. His brown amber eyes glistened in the firelight, making my face flush.

"I'm so lucky you liked me back," I smiled, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

He nuzzled his cheek against my head, holding me in silence the rest of the way down. Once the elevator reached the ground, he gently put me down, taking both lanterns from my arms. "Let's go see what they have leftover from dinner," he said before making a sprint for it.

"Jean! You can't leave with both lanterns!" I yelled, following after him, smiling at the sound of his laughter bouncing off the walls of the town.

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