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Paisley P.O.V;

My name is Paisley Scott I am 18 years old and I have just finished High School. My good for nothing selfish mother lost her job 3 months ago so now we are living in a trailer. I also have a 1 year old sister named Beatrice but everyone just calls her Bee Bee. My mom is a drunk and leaves all the responsibility on me.

If you haven't already gathered my life sucks.

Cameron P.O.V;

My name is Cameron Rule I am 23 years old and loving my rich care free life. I have just taken over my family comany worth billions of dollars, so ya life as a bachelor is pretty fantasic. But the only thing is that my parents want me to marry, ya! i know total buzz kill, right! I have been avouding the subeject now for the better part of two years so at this stage I think they have finaly given up trying to play match maker.

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