Chapter 3

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I was seated at the top of the table, with a bunch of imbeciles looking up at me expectantly. They were my marketing team for my new hotel launch in Europe and what the had just pitched was ordinary, amateur and just plain awful. But to tell you the truth I totally zoned out after about five minutes of listening to these incompetent idiots.

No, I was thinking about the gold digging whore that somehow convinced my mother that I needed a wife and that she was the perfect fit for the job of being my wife. Whoever she was I was going to get rid of her quicker than she can imagine. But still my curiosity got the better of me, what did she look like? What did she sound like? How long would it take to get rid of her?...........

"Well?" asked one of the teams directors Mike, snapping me out of my thoughts .

"NO" I stated in a bored tone.

"What don't you like?" asked Mike, his hopeful face suddenly falling.

"All of it Get back to me when you have something I can work with, otherwise you are wasting my time" I practically growled.

Finally having enough of their idiotic selves I stood up and left without a backward glance. Some may argue that I was being harsh, but I own and run a multi-billion dollar company I don't have time to be nice about it.

***2 hours later***

I looked down at my Rolex watch and sighed in exasperation, it was time to head home. I usually work late into the night but my mother had insisted on  me being home for dinner with my new family,Oh did I forget to mention the mystery slut comes with some bastard who's father I doubt she even knows. This situation I wound up in is kinda laughable , however I am not laughing . No, this is my worst nightmare.

Stepping off the elevator after saying goodbye to my driver John, and spending the whole ride up to my penthouse arguing with my self on how to best approach getting rid of this woman and making it look like it was her that wanted to terminate this relationship so that I could stay on my mothers good side and not get the company taken off me.

I walk in to the main living are with a lounge , dining table and a kitchen in an open space layout and stop dead in my tracks at what I see.

Standing there right in front of me was the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I slowly take her in starting with her bright face that has a nervous smile which softens her features, she has round generous sized curves in all the right places with a small waist with legs that could go on forever.

A small giggle brought me back to the deafening silence, clearing my throat I walk swiftly towards her taking long strides and stopped right in front of her. "Look I don't know you are here or how you got into my apartment but you need to leave because some gold digging bitch is supposed to be here" I state in an irritated voice, because as much as I would like to bed this woman I don't want to risk getting caught by said bitch and never hearing the end of it. I look down at the woman in front of me and inwardly cringe at the face she has on her, I will give you one word to describe it, PISSED. But what I can't seem to understand is why she is pissed. I mean, I wasn't even that harsh, besides i should be the one with the pissed expression after all she is in MY house uninvited.........

"Mama" calls the cute baby in the play-pen snapping me out of my daze.

WAIT if she just said mama while pointing at the woman in front of me then that must mean..........SHIT I, AM SKREWED

LOL! Gotta love a bit of drama.


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