The Hidden Leaf

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     "So you were just in the Hokage's mansion, you're pretty lucky to meet the Hokage y'know. Not a lot of people get to see her very often; she's a very busy woman. Anyway, we're going to head over to the training grounds now to test your skills. Oh, my name's Iruka by the way! What's yours?" asked the chunin jacket clad shinobi that was leading Naruto. 

     "Oh um...Naruto." Naruto was barely listening though, instead taking in the sights and sounds swallowing him whole. He hated the Hidden Leaf. He did. But he couldn't help but stare. Naruto couldn't help but think how...breathtaking it all was. The towering buildings, the varied architecture, the drifting, complex, intertwining smells, it was all so...wonderful. Just wonderful. Naruto felt something he had never felt anywhere except with the Akatsuki. He felt at home. The passing townsfolk, the chunin, jonin jacket-clad shinobi, the smell of mouthwatering barbeque, the mismatched colors of the was a shame such a beautiful place was and is such a truly evil place. Maybe one day, they'd finally see the way of the Akatsuki. Naruto hoped they would. He'd hate to have to waste such spectacular potential. Oh well, that wasn't his mission right now. His first step was to track down a genin by the name of Menma, assassinate him, and become his replacement for the four-man squad. Easy enough. Naruto put his hands behind his head, feeling more at ease with every step. He grinned, this was it! Finally! His very own S-Rank mission! 

     "Naruto!" Iruka was waving his hand in front of Naruto's face. "Naruto!" Naruto blinked twice, snapping back to the present.

     "Oh! Uh, sorry about that! Spaced out for a second there, Iruka-Sensei."

     Iruka sighed, smiling, "Are all you Hidden Rain shinobi this spacey?" Oh, that's right! Naruto had almost forgotten! His cover story! He was supposed to be a transfer-shinobi from the Hidden Rain (thank Jashin Pain basically owned the Hidden Rain). Naruto could still feel the Rain headband tightly fastened to his forehead. It felt strange and out of place, and he instead found himself longing for his Akatsuki cloak...

     "Naruto!" Naruto snapped back to reality once again. He grinned that dopey grin of his as Iruka just rolled his eyes, smirking. They walked onto the bright green grass of the training grounds, Naruto taking a deep breath of the crisp Spring air. They stopped in front of a few training targets. Iruka produced a couple shuriken and a few kunai. "Alright, Naruto, go ahead and hit the targets." Iruka said with a smile. 

     THUNK THUNK THUNK Bullseye. Naruto smiled to himself, he could've done this with his eyes closed. Thanks Itachi. "Hah. Wow!" Iruka scratched the back of his head, smiling. "! Good job Naruto!" His obvious surprise took Naruto aback a little. Kunai and shuriken jutsu were child's play, Itachi had made sure of that, was Iruka-sensei really that impressed by just that? "Well you obviously possess some serious skill, well above your average genin. Lady Tsunade was obviously correct in her assessment. So sorry about dragging you out here Naruto, we just had to confirm your skill. And due to your skill, we're going to be placing you on a team immediately! Congrats, Naruto!" Iruka grinned at Naruto. "Anyway, we've prepared a flat for you, here's your key," Iruka dropped a small key into Naruto's outstretched palm. Wow, a place of his very own, huh! Naruto had never lived somewhere else on his own before... "You can go ahead and just hang out there or walk around the village (I'd check out Ichiraku by the way). In the mean time, we'll try to find you a team, alright, Naruto?"

     Naruto grinned his trademark grin and stuck his thumb out. "You bet Iruka-sensei! I'm gonna prove to all you Hidden Leaf  shinobi that I've got what it takes y'know! BELIEVE IT!!"

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