First meeting

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 This was it, this is how I would die, in the arms of the man I loved and I could not find another place I would want to be.

I met Matt three years before my death. We were both headed to gym for sixth period, it was the first day of school and all the students were running around the halls excited about the new year and meeting up with old friends that were missed over summer. I was walking with my best friend Jane talking about the parties and activities we did over the summer when I collided with a very attractive tall boy with piercing ice blue eyes. He grabbed my shoulder to keep me from falling, letting out a laugh and then met my gaze.

"Whoa." He said looking at my face. "You are so beautiful." He said in a trance like voice. He shook his head and his eyes focused again back on me. "I'm sorry for saying that, I don't know where that came from." He said trying to hide his smile. His complement stunned me, that was not what I was expecting out of his mouth.

"Well, thanks." I said looking down at my feet hiding my reddening face. I had never notice this boy before, our school was small but I still did not know everyone that attended. I was sure he was new though, a boy looking this gorgeous would definitely catch my eye. "Are you new?" I asked him getting the courage to look up at him. When I reached his face his eyes seemed entranced on me. His blue eyes stared at me intensely, bringing another blush to surface.

"Yeah I just moved here with my father." He answered. I had not noticed we were still standing in the hall, his hands on my arms until Jane cleared her throat bringing me back to reality.

"Oh shit, we better get to class." I said looking at his hands still resting on my arms. He removed his hands quickly bringing them to his sides.

"Oh, sorry about that. Yeah, I better go to don't want to be late." He said taking a step back and heading towards the gym. I watched him head towards the gym and I grew excited. There was something about this boy that made me feel drawn to him. I wanted to get close to him, get to know him in every way possible. Weird, normally I shy away from guys, I don't have the best self confidence, but something about him made my body tingle in a way I had never felt. So when I watched him walk towards the gym my heart raced.

"Do you have gym?" I asked catching up to him leaving Jane all by herself.

"Yeah, do you?" He asked in an excited voice.

"Yeah I do." I said looking down again. I wanted to hide the smile that spread across my face, I didn't want him to see how happy I was that we had a class together especially one like gym.

When we reached the doors he opened one for me gesturing for me to walk in ahead of him making me giggle and blush.

Gym was excruciatingly long. The teacher split the class up into boys and girls. We had to acquire our gym uniform for the year and sign up for the activities we wanted to do throughout the class. I was trying to watch what the new kid was signing up for so I was able to sign up as well, but the teacher kept interrupting, making us do stretches or jumping jacks while we waited. When it was our turn to sign up I ran over looking for his name.

"Shit Jane!" I said in an exasperated voice. "I don't know his name." I said. How did I not get his name, how was I so dumb. I looked over at him and saw him staring at me. I pointed to the sign that read 'Soft ball'. He laughed and shook his head no.

Oh my god, he was wanting me to take the same courses as him. Did that mean he liked me? I was screaming with excitement internally,fighting the urge to squeal and jump for joy.

I pointed to the rest of the signs waiting for his head nod yes or no. I ended up sighing up for baseball, basketball,swimming and volleyball. These are not the sports I normally sign up for, I'm not an athletic person. I usually sign up for badminton, tennis,soccer and health studies. Most of these courses I was able to get away doing as little as possible while still getting a passing grade, but i was going to suffer to be near the new kid.

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