Chapter 1: First Day Back

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James Potter walked speedily through the groups in the hall in the Hogwarts Express. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his Hogwarts robes which he knew were going to be marked soon with the color of red—Gryffindor colors. He knew he was going to go into Gryffindor, his family had been in it for generations.

He glanced behind him in his tiny 11-year-old body, bumping into people as he passed through the hallway. He glanced behind him once more as prefects came rushing out of the prefect cart, and snickered to himself. He could smell the dungbomb all the way from where he stood.

He watched as the prefects searched from the culprit, never has mischief started before even the year did.

He locked eyes with one female prefect, and he knew he was busted. He turned around and started walking even faster. He ducked down in the groups of people, making himself invisible.

He peeked behind him, and even though the prefect lost him, she was getting closer to where he was attempting to rush through the crowds. Panicking, he ducked into the closest compartment. He closed the drape on the window, and turned around, putting his back against the door. Sitting in the benches of the compartment were three people. Two males and a female. One of the males was a small, mousy little boy with mousy features, also wearing unsorted clothing, a first year like himself.

The next male was tall, he could tell even if the boy was sitting. He was willing to bet the boy was taller than he was. The boy was also a first year yet to be sorted and had light brown hair and a scar or two across his face. James pondered for a second or two where he got them from.

The female looked similar to the second male and was also a first year, he knew they were twins just from glancing at the two. She had below the shoulders hair and green eyes.

The two twins had an eyebrow raised at him and the mousy boy stared at him with a muggle sucker in his mouth. James smiled.

"Well then." He glanced out the window and the prefects were gone. "I ought to be going then."

He ducked out the compartment before the three could say anything.


"Gryffindor!" The Sorting Hat shouted out before it was completely on James' head. He smirked to himself. Next, a young boy named Sirius Black who he'd met on the train was called into Gryffindor. He smirked to himself.

At first he had been skeptical of the boy with the last name of Black, he'd heard about their blood supremacy beliefs. He'd quickly come to realize that Sirius Black quite in fact hadn't shared the blood supremacy idea, and rather Sirius was a lot like himself, even wanting to be sorted into Gryffindor. The two had found a compartment together. It'd already contained three other first years, two girls and a boy. One girl with blonde hair, one with red, and the boy with black. Sirius and James had just made a few remarks on their thoughts on Slytherin and Gryffindor and their thoughts and the houses, and the girl with the blonde hair rushed her companions out of the compartment.

Sirius met up with James by the Gryffindor table, and the two shared a smirk.

James, spotting a few free spots by the other first years whose compartment he'd barged into earlier, pointed Sirius in their direction. The three had also happened to be sorted into Gryffindor, and, yes, he was right. The two in the compartment were twins. He just wondered where they'd met the mousy looking boy.

James and Sirius sat next to the three, and they'd all introduced themselves.

The twins were Giavanna and Remus Lupin, and the smaller boy was Peter Pettigrew.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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