I do now

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"We're heading in" jay said discreetly into his blazer pocket to where the wires were, he linked arms with hailey to make it look like they were a couple and not as suspicious. They walked into the club and there dancers on poles, swings and even silks all over the club. There was booze everywhere and a lot of men. They headed over to the bar which was near a load of booths, "look over there, 3 o clock" hailey said quietly to jay. Jay waited a second before swiftly turning his head around to where hailey had said, he looked over to see destiny sat down in a booth with older men but she looked like she wanted to get out. "We gotta get her away from there" jay said while turning back to hailey. She nodded and looked at jay to do the speaking.

Destiny was sat in the middle of grown men who were telling her how beautiful she looked, she tried to block them out like usual but the music wasn't as loud in the corners so she could still hear their cringey comments.

"Excuse me, how do we get a hold of that girl in the corner over there?" Jay said politely to the bar tender while pointing over to destiny. "Well you'd have to get a room with her but if you're meaning the young one, she's only allowed 15 minute rooms" he sighed. Jay looked at hailey then nodded, "yeah okay, we'll take her" jay said with a smile. The bar tender nodded, "If you go over to the door over there and tell the bouncer you're waiting on destiny, he'll take you to a room" he said with a smile before leaving to go get the kid. Jay and hailey nodded then done as he advised.

"Dez you've got a room come on" the bar tender said while taking destiny's hand and leading her away from the men. Destiny sighed, she hated rooms because the people she got were always touchy. "Okay..." she sighed as the bartender gave her to the bouncer. The bouncer took a firm grip on her hand and lead her to the room jay and hailey were in, he opened the door and threw her inside, "15 minutes" he said before closing the door behind her.

Destiny stumbled through the door and watched the door close before turning to face her guests, she had a shock when she saw the detectives from last night sat in front of her. She felt vulnerable since her ass was technically hanging out and she was basically on show. "Guys..." she started but looked down in embarrassment. Hailey shook her head, "it's okay just come sit" she said pitifully. Destiny nodded and done as she said, jay looked at the young girl in worry. She was being exposed at such a young age and it didn't sit right with him.

"I know you don't know anything..." hailey started but was cut off by destiny. "I do now, I know about the drugs, about the guns..." she said while facing them both. Jay shot hailey a confused look, "there's guns too?" He said in a shocked tone. Destiny nodded, "yeah, they're down stairs with the dope..." she said in a worried tone. Hailey grabbed the girls hand. "You want to help us?" She said in disbelief. Destiny nodded definitely, "what? help you take my step dad down? Yeah I wanna help..." she scoffed. Hailey looked at jay in concern, "I can get you the keys for the lockers if you want..." destiny added while smiling at them.

"You could do that?" Jay said in shock. Destiny smiled weakly but nodded, "if it's gonna put you in danger then don't..." hailey said while placing a caring hand on the girls leg. Destiny shook her head, "if it'll help then I will" she smiled at them. Hailey and jay smiled back at her, she was so mature for her age. "The club doesn't close till 4am, that's when everyone goes home and no ones guarding the basement door..." she started to tell them but she was interrupted but the door flying open. She jumped to stand up and make it look like she was doing something but relaxed when she saw who it was.

"Mom? Why're you here?" Destiny said in a snappy tone. Her mother stood in the door way, "you're dad wants to see you..." she sighed at her daughter. Destiny stood with her arms folded, "one, it's step dad not dad and two, no..." she said while narrowing her eyes at her mother. Jay and hailey were still sat down next to each other while watching the argument unfold. Her mother stepped into the room, "what did you just say?" She said with her hands out. Destiny laughed, "I said no" she snapped back. Her mother shook her head, "yeah I know, I heard you the first time. How about we see what your dad thinks about this attitude?" She said while pointing a finger in her daughters face. Destiny scoffed, "be my guest" she said while walking backwards to sit on the curved couch with her arms out. She sat down on the couch and crossed her legs with her arms out to the side along the back of it, her mother laughed spitefully and left to go get destiny's step dad.

Jay and hailey turned to look at her, "destiny don't do anything that'll get you in trouble..." jay said quietly. Destiny smiled at them and shook her head, "it'll be worth it, don't worry about me" she whispered weakly. A few seconds later and her step dad appeared in the room, he looked at jay and hailey then at his step daughter but her mother didn't show up again. "Putting on a little show are you?" He growled in destiny's face while grabbing her cheeks, destiny sat up straight so he didn't hurt her too much. "You better lose that attitude or I'll lose it for you!" He said while looking her in the eyes and still holding her face. Hailey grabbed jays leg in worry so jay reassuringly grabbed her back to calm her down since she was looking suspicious. Destiny let out a little chuckle, "fuck you" she snarled in his face. She was aware that she could grab the keys from his belt loop now since he was too focused on wanting to kill her, she slyly snook her hands around his side and unhooked the keys from his belt. She put her hand which now had the keys inside back down to her side so he wouldn't notice. Jay and hailey had seen her little sneaky move and sat still.

Destiny's step dad grit his teeth and slapped her across the face before grabbing her hair and pulling it back so her head was fully looking up to him, "stupid bitch" he scoffed. He grabbed her around the waist and picked her up, destiny looked back at jay and hailey with a small smile as her step dad carried her out of the room. She threw the keys in their direction and jay caught them, she mouthed and signalled the numbers 2 and 3 to them before she vanished from view.

"Oh my god" hailey said in shock as they both stood up and left the room quietly. They made their way back out into the main club area then quickly walked over to the door and left, they got into their undercover car and set off driving back to the district. "God, she's in trouble" hailey said while rubbing her hands across her mouth. "I know, I know. But we couldn't blow cover, she can handle him. She fought back then so she'll be okay until we can help her" he reassured hailey but most of what he just said was lies.

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