COVID and Camping

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Keefe hadn't seen Sophie since the start of COVID and he REALLY missed her. Sophie finally decided to meet up with him and he was very excited to see her.

"KEEFE" Someone screamed from behind him. And there was his Foster as pretty as ever.

Her outfit:

Her outfit:

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Her hair:

"Foster!" Keefe said running over to Sophie

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"Foster!" Keefe said running over to Sophie. He quickly wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her. Just as he had remembered it soft but intense.

"I missed you so much" she said wrapping her arms around his neck. They were at a campground with a lake. Keefe's parents had an RV and they let Keefe use it for a week. He wanted to go camping with Foster before they would shut down everything.  He also never told his parents that he was taking Foster camping with him, but they wouldn't find out.

"Where is the RV" Sophie asked.

"Only a couple slots down"

Keefe took her hand and led her to his parent's RV. When they got into the RV Keefe flopped onto the couch and said "you wanna go swimming?"

Sophie smiled. "Yeah I'll go change."

Sophie came out wearing her favorite swimsuit

Sophie's swimsuit:

Keefe put on some simple grey swim trunks and some slides

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Keefe put on some simple grey swim trunks and some slides. "We are going to drive down to the lake so go get into my car" Sophie brought all the beach towels and sunscreen.

When they got to the lake, Sophie was surprised to see Biana, Fitz, Dex, Linh, Marella, and Tam chilling in the lake with their floats.

"Why are you guys here" Sophie shouted over to them.

"Keefe invited us" Biana shouted back. Keefe started smirking. Sophie glared at him.

"You invited them and didn't tell me" Sophie said raising an eyebrow.

"I wanted it to be a surprise" Keefe replied. Than Keefe picked her up and started running towards the lake.


That slowed him down but didn't stop him from throwing her in the lake.

"It's a good thing your cute or you would be dead right now"Sophie grumbled.

"Come on Foster" Keefe said. "You know you live me" Right as he said it she tackled him into the water getting his hair very wet and very flat.

"Oh it is on!" Keefe yelled. Eventually everyone was splashing water at everybody else. Keefe laughed splashing some water in Fitz's face. Fitz and Keefe's friendship had become a little shaky ever since Keefe started dating Sophie. And one time Fitz even tried to get Sophie to love him again. Fitz got Keefe back by dunking Keefe's head underwater both boys started laughing.

Keefe noticed Sophie on the beach sitting on a towel by herself. He got out of the lake and joined her.

"What's wrong?" Keefe said as he sat down on the sand next to Sophie.

She smiled "I just wanted to spend some alonw time with you" Sophie said snuggling up to Keefe.

"I know where we can go" Keefe said.

"Can I go change first" She asked. "Yeah he replied. Sophie came out of the bathroom I think he romper she was wearing before. Keefe just put on a simple t-shirt.

Keefe grabbed Sophie's hand and took her back to the car but not before saying goodbye to their friends.

When they got back to the campsite Keefe told Sophie to put on sneakers. After they both but on sneakers the jumped in the car again.

Keefe stopped by this huge wooded area. "Where are we going" Sophie asked.

"You'll see" Keefe replied. He took her hand and started hiking up a trail, they hiked for about an hour or so and stopped by this area that had so many plants that Sophie couldn't see what was on the other side of the plants.

"This is it" Keefe said grabbing Sophie's hand and dragging her through all the leaves.

This is what they saw:

"Keefe it's beautiful!" Sophie exclaimed

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"Keefe it's beautiful!" Sophie exclaimed. Keefe walked her over to a rock and sat down. Then she snuggled up closer to him and fell asleep.

When Keefe woke her up she didn't want to go back. Neither did Keefe but he was hungry. So they hiked back to the car and Keefe could tell that he was going to have a fun week ahead with his Foster.

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