Date with no bodyguards

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I was reading ice889 book sokeefe fluff (go read it) when she wrote a chapter based on human music and Keefe realizes this song is made for him so I listen to the song and I'm like this song really was made for Keefe so listen to the song. ( sorry for sounding like I'm a psychopath I just really like the song)

Sophie sprinted up the stairs to Keefe's house. She hadn't seen him in a week and realized how much she needed him. She knocked and found the door unlocked, so she walked right in. The house was trashed, Sophie knew something was wrong. She walked down the hallway to Keefe's room she knocked and no one answered. So she walked right in.

"KEEFE" Sophie screamed, the sight before her was horrifying. Keefe and Ro were tied back to back in chairs. She quickly got them untied they both automatically fell to the ground. She couldn't believe the state they were in, Ro could stand but wobbled a lot, Keefe couldn't even get up off the ground so she automatically hailed Elwin. "He said he'll be here in five minutes tops" She said cuddling closer to her boyfriend. Keefe chuckled.

"So what actually happened" Sophie said actually noticing she didn't ask.

"Turns out my dad is a double agent and works for the neverseen" Keefe said not sounding surprised. Sophie wasn't either how could someone that evil not be working for the neverseen.

"Do I wanna see anything that happened?" She asked.

"No but you probably should"

"Can I go into your mind" he nodded.

Everything went dark she assumed Keefe was sleeping. He woke up to his door opening. His dad walked in with a murderous look on his face following him was his mom, Alvar, and Ruy. His dad walked over to him and pulled out a medler.

"Woah there daddy, I'm going to have to tell you to step away from hunkyhair or I'm going to have to go rage on you" Ro said.

"You don't even want to see her rage, I mean it's not as adorable as Foster's but.."

"Keefe!" He glanced up to look at his mom.

"No one will ever love you!" She yelled. "Not even the moon lark!" Than everything went dark again and he woke up a couple of hours later and apparently suffered here for a few days.

Sophie was fighting tears when it was over. "You know a lot of people love you Keefe"

"I know, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it"

Sophie was so mad at his mom that if she could she would've murdered her. She gave Keefe a big hug and sat down next to him.

When Elwin got there he announced that they had to get Keefe to Foxfire ASAP. So Sophie wrapped all her conscience around Keefe and leaped to Foxfire.

Sandor had to carry Keefe into the healing center because Ro wasn't strong enough to carry him yet.

"Ro drink the bottle of youth!"

"I don't need it!"

Elwin had been trying to get Ro to drink a bottle of youth for about fifteen minutes now and Sophie was getting a headache. She and Keefe had been laying in his cot ever since they had got there. Sophie wasn't leaving the healing center until her boyfriend got better she couldn't risk leaving him alone. Keefe must have noticed her mood swing and said to Ro,

"If you take the bottle of youth I'll do one dare for you whatever you want"

"In that case," Ro took the bottle out of Elwin's hands and chugged it. "Now" Ro said with an evil smile on her face that shows all her pointy teeth. "Hunkyhair you know I want to make you suffer but since I'm feeling generous today you and blondie get to go on a date that me and Sandor plan without your bodyguards and remember you only get to do it when you feel better"

Keefe didn't look convinced that Ro actually would allow them to have that date but Ro didn't look like she was lying.

"Well if you are serious then.." he started yelling "ELWIN GET ME BETTER ASAP BECAUSE ME AND FOSTER GET A SPECIAL DATE WHEN I GET BETTER"

"Keefe, I'm working as fast as I can"

"Well... work faster" Elwin rolled his eyes.

Sophie got up off the cot and ruffled Keefe's hair but than realized she had to hail her parents. "I'll be right back" she told Keefe as she walked out of the healing center into the Foxfire hallway. She decided to hail Edaline because she knew she would say it was okay.

"Hey hun" Edaline says as she answered her impartor.

"Mom Keefe got hurt can I stay at the healing center until he gets better"

"Yes of course" Edaline replies sweetly "but you should probably come get some clothes"

"I'll be there in five minutes" Sophie says hanging up.

When she got back from Havenfield she found Keefe looking down at a tray full of exlirs. She could tell he didn't want to take them and it was going to take her to get him to drink down every last one.

Turns out sleepover in the healing center is going to be very tiring.

After she got Keefe to drink every exlir Elwin said he needed to rest. And she agreed so her and Keefe called it a night.

"Foster" someone whispered from across the room.

"What" Sophie asked walking over to his cot.

"This might sound weird but can we cuddle"

She heard snickering from the corner. "Smoooooth Hunkyhair smoooooooooooooth"

She ignored it and let Keefe take her into his arms. Than she fell into a deep sleep. She hadn't had this good of a night in a long time. Turns out she was actually tired from making him drink exlirs.

I will write a part 2 to this it just might not be right away

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