Chapter One - Meet Type

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Type woke up languidly, stretching this way and that on his plush king sized bed. His soft mewls and groans caused the only other person in the room to giggle quietly.

"Your Highness, it is currently 7 am. Breakfast will be served after you bathe. Your favorite bath is ready." Type's maid left the room as silently as they had entered.

"Thank you, Mitri!" The young prince called out as he rolled out of the bed and padded to his opulent bathroom. Sinking into the fragrant water was soothing for Type as it was only on special days that he was allowed to take his time bathing.

I can't believe I'm 18 finally.

Type dressed in his best morning clothes before joining his parents for the prepared meal.

"Type, tonight is your coming of age party and everyone of the appropriate class within 4 years of you has been invited. Tension will get high if a claim is attempted on anyone in attendance to please stay close to Mitri and Dima for your protection. And remember, keep your chin down."

Type seriously listened to his Pa's words but rolled his eyes at the last statement. He'd been told his entire life to keep his chin down and never show too much of his throat but no reason had ever been given.

"Don't roll your eyes at your Pa, Type!" The reprimand came from the gorgeous creature sitting to his Pa's right side. With a face equally sharp and soft, many had been bewitched by Type's bearer in the past. Unfortunately for them, Type's Pa was not forgiving to those who couldn't control their eyes and hands around his mate.

"Yes, Da. I promise to stay with Mitri and Dima. Don't worry. Besides, I doubt I'll find anyone that sparks my interest tonight. I've never even had a crush before."

Type didn't miss the look that passed between his parents. The look that told him they knew why he had no attraction to others. But he chose not to question them uselessly and instead focused on getting everything ready for his party.

The fluffy hair bounced on his head as he excitedly made his way out of the dining room and made his way to the kitchen to confirm the food for the night.

Maybe I can ask Chef May for a little taste test of the pastries....

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