Chapter Three - The Party

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Type's birthday ball was in full swing come 9 pm and everyone was excited to see the prince. Due to the power struggle that usually plagued their nation, many guests had never seen Type or hadn't since he was born. The eligible suitors were primped and desperate as Type was having the last coming of age event for the next ten years.

"I'm ready," the young prince said to his longtime bodyguards, Dima and Mitri. The two burly men nodded and led the way to the double doors that would expose their charge to the hungry eyes of the royal families below. Type was dressed to the nines in a black suit, his hair was slicked back and his crown was placed delicately within the thick locks.

The music came to an elegant pause as an announcer stated, "Behold, the crown prince!" The double doors opened and Type glided through them with a small smile as everyone cheered and wished him a happy birthday.

In the far back corner, Tharn stood enraptured by the young one, his glistening orbs taking in every detail presented to him. He licked his lips and simply stated, "I believe I've found my mate, Techno."

Techno sighed in relief and started getting hyper at the thought of his best friend and King finally having someone to share his life with. It was not an easy job to do but Tharn was the perfect fit for it. Now that he'd have his mate, Techno could worry less. That is, if the prince accepted.

The party continued on with Type greeting every single guest once while keeping his chin down the entire time. A simple handshake was all that was offered and, as the night went on, he was getting more disappointed that no sparks had lit. He knew he'd told his parents he didn't care but in reality, he wanted someone to love him and to love back.

The hour was getting late and Type was feeling claustrophobic so he slipped away from the party and headed towards his private beach. He loved being able to walk right into the sand from his bedroom and wanted nothing more than to be alone. Dima and Mitri understood and knew he'd be safe enough if they stayed inside the palace.

Type removed his blazer and crown before squishing the sand between his toes and plopping down to watch the waves. He breathed in the scent of the sea and let the sound sooth him into a stupor.

Suddenly, he felt a tingle down his spine, putting all of his senses on edge. He looks around for a threat and sees a tall figure in the dark near the ocean. The figure stalks forward as if trying not to spook his prey.

Type is frozen as he sees gleaming yellow eyes locked on him. The man finally gets close and drops to his knees in front of the terrified prince. A hand reaches up and delves into the younger's hair, embedding itself in and tugging gently to expose his neck to the moonlight.

"My name is Tharn," the deep voice of the man sends a spark through Type, making his heart jump as well as his lower region. The man leans in to drag his nose across the exposed throat and Type can't help but lean into it though he's been warned his whole life not to let anyone touch his neck.

After confirming his suspicion, Tharn pulled his face back just enough to lock eyes with Type and simply said, "You're mine now."

"Yours," Type whispers before their mouths meet in a moment they'd both remember forever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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