Chapter Four: Dead Man's Party (part ii)

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"In battle, our hearts beat as one, you've got nothing to worry about, Rusty."

"Rusty? I'm flattered." Ted shrugged in reply, and started making his way out of the graveyard towards the Hotel DuMort, or, that's what he thought anyway.

As per, Jace had other plans, and soon the three of them found themselves outside a biker bar, 'Hardtail', where Ted could only assume Jace had planned to steal a bike, likely just to pass the time until dawn.

"Jay?" Ted whispered as Clary marvelled at the people inside, realising they were mostly vampires, "Look mate, I know what you're doing, I'm gonna go, alright, so just be careful, don't make anyone too angry, and don't put Clary in danger."

"Well, frankly I'm insulted you even feel the need to tell me that, Herondale." Jace smirked, "C'mon, when's the last time I had a bad idea?"

"D'you want them in a list organised by chronology, severity or failure rates?" Teddy quipped with mirth. The pair looked at Clary and then back at each other, nodded at the same time, and walked separate ways. Ted knew it was childish but he couldn't help but think how cool they'd have looked if it were a film—slo mo with some opening to an AC/DC song playing? Awesome.

He spent the next two minutes untangling his headphones, and then fumbled for his phone, slotting it in the jac, and shuffling his playlist. He'd fallen in love with mundane culture, and delighted in almost every artist he'd come across.

His mum had a wall filled with vinyls and CDs, and when things were quiet, they'd dance about to anything, whether from the '50's or '90's, they didn't care, they'd dance and sing and pray to the Angel that nobody would find the head of the institute making up a dance routine with her eight year old son to Uptown Girl instead of studying runes.

The Eurythmics cut out suddenly, as a buzz sounded from his phone, until he picked it up and saw the caller ID was Isabelle, at which point he began walking quicker and answered it.

"Couldn't you have texted me? I had a proper good walking down the street song and you stopped it at a really bad time."

"Oh what, no 'Belle are you okay?'; 'So good to hear from you my parabatai'; 'My dearest Bella, thank you for getting the information'?" Her voice called through the phone, in a poor imitation of an English accent which made Ted cringe horrifically.

"Bella, love, your impression was like, Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins bad." He remarked, earning a giggle from the girl, "Anyway, I'm sort of wandering around aimlessly about a block or so away from the DuMort, where exactly do you want me to meet you?"

"I'll text you the address."

"So you didn't need to ring me after all? By the Angel, you can be such a bitch."

"I do pride myself on it." He could practically hear her smirk as she hung up and soon received the text, and jogged off to a meatpacker's that led into the DuMort.

"Oi, Belle, you there?" He asked as he entered the building, carefully climbing metal steps, having activated his hearing and agility runes just in case of an early ambush.

"Pretty neat, huh?" she replied with her back to him, "It leads directly into the--"

"Izzy," A familiar voice cut her off, "I got your text, where are we exactly?"

"As I was explaining before I was so rudely interrupted, this is an old meatpacker's service entrance, leading directly to the basement of the Hotel DuMort--isn't it perfect?" She grinned, strutting off in the direction of the basement entrance, "We distract the vamps, Clary and Jace have time to find Simon."

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