Chapter 17: The Secret Show- Part One

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I’m about a block away from Cafe Zanette when I see hysterical girls rushing in the same direction as me. The boys had only announced the location of the show a few hours ago and the girls were packed outside of the little restaurant.

Lots of them had shirts with their favourite member on it, or ones they made themselves with song lyrics on them. Others painted their faces with the boy’s names. And just about all of them were screaming, crying, and typing away on their phones.

The building was in sight, but it didn’t look as if I was going to get in. The crowd of girls were practically glued together as I tried to squeeze my way through to get inside. Some on them were bigger than me and I couldn’t get past them, while others pushed me back. Plenty of them yelled at me as I pushed my way through the mob.

“Hey! We were here first!”

“Get lost!”

“Don’t let her through!”

“Why should you get to be in front?!”

“I WORK HERE, SO PLEASE LET ME THROUGH!” I yelled back at them.

The girls continued to yell at me and shove me, but I finally made it to the front of the building and then walked around to the back to get in.

I burst in the door and see Niall and Louis standing there.

“Those girls are insane! I didn’t think they were going to let me through! I told them I worked here, but they still put up a fight.” I say trying to caught me breath.

 Niall races over to me and rubs my back.

“Are you alright, love?”He asks with concern in his voice.

“I’m fine now.” I smirk as I throw my arms around him and he spins me around, laughing in my ear.

He sets me down and has the biggest smile on his face.

Louis leaves the room and then it’s just me and Niall.

“You’re sure she’s coming right? Louis hasn’t stopped asking about her all day!” Niall says worriedly.

“I’m pretty sure! I told her that her and Keegan could go, but she still didn’t seem very interested, but it’s just because she’s stubborn! I told her she had to go and she said she’d try her best to make it, so I hope she shows up!”

We stand there in silence for a minute until we hear Louis shouting from the back.

“What happened?!”

Both Niall and I rush back to see Liam, Harry and Louis trying to comfort Zayn who is being sick to his stomach.  I immediately jump behind Niall and cover my eyes to hide myself from seeing Zayn get sick.

“Oh no, Zayny! Are you alright?” I ask worried.

He laughs a little before getting sick again.

“Great, love, I’ve never been better.” He adds.

I peek me head out from behind Niall’s shoulder to see him and I go back into hiding just as fast.

Liam must’ve seen the look on my face.

“Oh no, Kenny, not you too?!” He says.

I shake my head, a little embarrassed.

“No, don’t mind me, I’m fine. Just a little queasy is all. I don’t have a very strong stomach.”

Niall gives me a sympathetic looks and grabs my hand.

I smile at him as head leads my out into the hall.

I poke me head back in trying to look anywhere except at Zayn.

“So what are you guys gonna do about the show?! I mean, obviously Zayn can’t perform!”

“Unless you want me puking all over the crowd, she’s right!” Zayn says as Lou rubs his back.

“Well we can’t cancel it, the fans are already here! “ Louis says.

“It wouldn’t be the same performing without you, mate.” Harry adds, sadly.

“You guys’ll do great. Honestly, going on without me is the only thing we can do right now, we can’t upset all of our fans out there, we’d have a riot!” Zayn says tiredly.

“Actually...” Liam starts.

“Actually...?” I add, prompting him to finish his sentence.

“Well, we could always get someone to fill in for Zayn and sing all his parts.” He finishes.

“It’s not ideal, but it’s better than nothing.” Harry states.

“Who are we gonna get on such short notice though?” Louis asks, sounding a bit disappointed.

“I have an Idea...” I say rather sheepishly.

They all turn to me looking eager to hear what I have to say.

I feel my face start to burn red as I start.

''Well...uh...I-I can kind of sing...sort of...I mean I’m not as good as Zayn of course, but if you can’t find anyone else, I know all of his parts...'' I say looking at the floor.

A/N Hola!!! I know this is really short, but my brain is not functioning right now, so I apologize deeply for this lame chapter! xD It ends at a bit of a cliffhange though!:P What's gonna happen?!:O xD I hope you guys like this and please don't forget to comment, vote and share this story! I should get some sleep because it's like 10:20 and my brother said he's waking me up at 3 to open Christmas presents!:P So goooooodnight!<3 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!:D


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