Chapter Eighteen

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Shortly after four o'clock, we finally untangle from each other long enough to get dressed, put my small suitcase in the car and start driving to our destination. The traffic on the 401 is thick and we often find ourselves at a standstill, inching our way slowly along the endless length of kilometres with thousands of other frustrated drivers.

Nikolai sighs as we hit another yet another gridlock. I reach across the centre console and squeeze his hand gently. He looks over at me and I give an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry."

He squeezes my hand back, a look of mild confusion on his face. "For what?"

"Getting us stuck in rush hour traffic," I explain softly. "I'm sure that's why you wanted us to leave earlier."

"Lacey," he chuckles, "if it's a choice between that," he nods at my waist, "and this," he nods at the traffic, "I'll choose that every time." He removes his hand from mine and places it on my thigh, slowly sliding it up and down.

My cheeks flush as I turn to look out the window, my head filled with irrational thoughts that somehow people could hear and see what was going on inside his car.

"Do I still make you blush, my little innocent one?"

I bite my lower lip as his hand slides dangerously close to my core, my face turning ever-deepening shades of red. "You know you do," I shoot back, squirming in my seat as my arousal grows. How the hell does this guy have this effect on me? "But I know I can still make you...," I move my hand over and playfully stroke his cock, "...happy."

I watch as he smirks and repositions himself in his seat, not taking his eyes off the road. "You really want to start up again? We haven't even left the city."

"Tit for tat, Nikolai," I goad, "tit for tat."

"I could match your quip, but I will refrain," he says, glancing over quickly as the traffic starts moving again. "But mark my words, there will be tit and that later tonight. And you, my dear Lacey, will be blushing once again."

A gasp gets stuck in my throat and I start coughing and sputtering like an idiot. Nikolai just laughs and resumes driving.


We finally make it out of the city after almost an hour of constant gridlock and encounter lighter traffic for the rest of our drive. I am starting to feel excited, especially now that the scenery has changed; however, Braden's voice worms its way into my head, and I remember that I have a double role to play this weekend.

"So, what is this weekend about, anyway?" I ask, trying to sound like I am making casual conversation.

"I guess I didn't really give you a lot of information, did I?" He looks over with a frown, "What if I'm some serial killer taking you away to kill you?" He pauses for a moment as my eyes grow wide. "Tsk, tsk, Lacey. You're far too trusting." His lips curve up into a sexy grin as he winks at me.

"Funny, that's what Tiff said too," I reply, pretending to ignore the unease in my stomach created by his comment.

"And what do you think?"

"I think if you wanted to kill me, you'd have done it already. You've had plenty of opportunities."

"Perhaps I just want to enjoy you a bit more first?"

"I suppose that's a possibility," I reply. "However, it's about as likely as me turning around and killing you."

"You wouldn't dare!" he gasps, feigning fear and shock. We both burst out laughing at the absurdity of it all. "But, to answer your question, I'm looking to close a merger and acquire another business. We'll be having dinner tonight with one of my business partners, Ernesto Marconi. He's old school; doesn't trust telephones or the internet, so he always wants to meet in person. Hence, this trip."

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