Chapter Thirty-Five

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Nikolai's delicious scent wafts up my nose and I find I'm once again intoxicated by his presence. He's using his left arm to lean on my desk, essentially blocking my path.

"Oh, Nikolai," I say, regaining my composure, "Ian just mentioned that you would be coming by. I'll take you to him." He raises his arm as I move to duck under it and lead him to Ian's office. "Right this way, please."

He gently grabs my hand and turns me to face him. "Are we...good?" his eyes searching my face for a signal, a clue as to why I've created this distance between us.

"What do you mean? Everything's fine." For the first time in this interaction, I raise my eyes to his face and take a good look at him. His normally well-groomed face is littered with unkempt stubble and sitting prominently under his eyes are bags that look like they're squatting there illegally. I've never seen him look this dishevelled. Part of me wants to think it's for me, but I can't imagine why I'd have this great of an effect on him.

"It feels like you've been avoiding me these past few days," he says, while his thumb massages the top of my hand. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Can we, maybe, talk about this after?" I ask, removing my hand from his and taking a step back. "Ian's expecting you and he was already questioning why we were on a first name basis."

His look of confusion is replaced by his signature smirk. "What? You didn't tell him that you're the best sex I've ever had?"

"Nik! Stop it! Not here, I'm at work."

"I'm well aware, innocent one." He makes a show of looking around the library before whispering in my ear, "There's an Aphrodite statue in that corner over there that brings back fond memories of your work."

Heat floods my face and core as I struggle to fight against the intense desire his proximity and those memories give me. Clearing my throat, I turn around and resume my walk to Ian's office. "If you'll follow me, please."

His low chuckle resounds in my ear as he catches up in a few steps. Walking beside me, he places his hand on my back and starts drawing tiny circles on with his finger.


"Thank you again for your generous donations, Mr. Jovan," Ian says as he and Nikolai reach my desk.

"It's my pleasure," Nikolai smiles. "And please, call me Nikolai."

"If you insist," Ian replies, holding out his hand for Nikolai to shake.

"I do," he answers, taking hold of Ian's hand and giving it a firm shake. "Ian, would you mind if I borrowed Ms. Chalmers for a few moments?" He winks at me as they both turn in my direction.

Ian looks back and forth between us, a knowing smile appearing on his face. "I don't mind at all, so long as Ms. Chalmers is okay with it."

"I really shouldn't leave the front before the noon-hour rush," I say with hesitation, wanting to stall the inevitable awkward conversation we will be having.

"We will be fine, Lacey," Ian reassures. "While this place surely couldn't run without you, I think we'll survive a few moments."

Not wanting to protest more in Ian's presence, lest it draws further attention to my dual relationship, I nod my head, smiling sweetly and say, "Thank you, Ian. I'll only be a few moments."

"Take all the time you need. These books aren't going anywhere. Well...except home with our patrons." He chuckles at his own dumb joke. "But you know what I mean."

Nikolai flashes his gorgeous grin and points his arm towards the door, signalling for me to walk ahead of him. "Shall we?"

We make our way outside of the library and stand a few feet from the doors in a small greenery space. The usual sense of calm and comfort I feel in his presence is replaced by nervousness; whether it is nerves related to what I know about him or how he'll react to me avoiding him all week, I don't know.

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