Birthdays Part 3

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"I'm home!" Seungmin said as he entered the house. He headed straight towards the kitchen.

"WATCH OUT!" Jeongin shouted to warn Seungmin but he didn't listen.

Seungmin slipped on a decoration but gained his balance and didn't fall. "That was scary" he mumbled. "THE CAKE!" Chan said as he ran towards Seungmin. Seungmin's eyes widened. They both ran to the kitchen counter and put the box over there. Everyone followed behind. Chan opened the box. The cake was all mushed and stuck to the box. "Now what do we do?" Minho asked the elder. Suddenly, his phone rang and saw the caller ID. "Jisung is calling me what to do!" He asked in panic. "Pick up!" Hyunjin said, so he picked up. "Hello?"

"Minho Hyung she's insisting on coming back home now!"

"Then bring her home. We're done anyways." Minho said, instantly regretting it.

"Okay Hyung!"

Jisung hung up from his side.

"What will we do about the cake? We've got only 10 minutes before they arrive!" Changbin said panicking.

"You know noona prefers waffles or cupcakes over cakes.......we have that packet of frozen waffles right?" Chan asked.

"Yeah in the second shelf." Hyunjin replied since he was the last person who bought the groceries.

Chan took out the packet and started making them, the others came and helped him.


"I'll open the door for you!" Felix said as he ran to the door. Lucy was suspecting things but didn't show it.

"Come in!" He said. Lucy went in and saw all the lights were on and the living room was decorated. "Boys you there?" She said and went towards Chan's room. The boys sneakily went behind her. "SURPRISE!" they all shouted, startling Lucy. "My god!" She said and put a hand over her heart. "Happy birthday Yoonie noona!" Jeongin said and ran to hug her. "Thank you!" She said in a cute voice and hugged him back. All of them hugged her one by one. "Wow this was unexpected." She said. "It totally was." Chan replied.

"Oh come on! You guys did so many things for us, of course we were gonna do something like this!" Felix replied. Then Seungmin came from the back with a plate with two waffles piled and ice cream on top of it. "Happy birthday noona!" He said. "Oh my gosh this so much better than a cake thank you so much!!" She said, slightly jumping. Minho sighed in relief. Lucy cut the "waffle" cake and everyone sang happy birthday.

"Okay now it's gift time!" Jisung said excitedly and dragged her to her room.

"Why are we in front of my room?" She asked with a confused expression. "You'll see!" He replied and opened the door. "Woah" Lucy mumbled under her breath as she approached her bed. Her bed was decorated with gifts. "Open them!!" Felix exclaimed. She randomly took one box and read the name on top. "From Minho." She read out loud and started pressing the palm of her hands on the side of the gift. "Don't tell me......" She said as her eyes widened in realization. 

She unwrapped the gift and........There she saw 4 books of Harry Potter (The first 4 in the series).  She slightly gasped and looked at Minho who chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Thank you soo much Minho!!" She said and put the books in the closet. "You have an entire library inside your closet!" Seungmin exclaimed as he peeked in. "Yeah, why do you think this closet is so big? For clothes?" She replied.

"Well that's exactly what closets are for." Chan said.

"Whatever I don't use it for clothes."

She went back to her bed and took the packet kept on the bed. "Seungminnie! Let's see what's inside."  She took out a hoodie from inside, not just any hoodie, it was a TWICE merch. She immediately smiled as she saw the logo. She looked for the tag inside and saw that it was her correct size. "How did you know my size?" She asked him. 

"Wait--it's correct?! I just assumed it would be your size!" Seungmin said happily.

"Really? Thank you Seungmin!"

She took another box. "Lixie!" she said and unwrapped the small box. "HEADPHONES?! LIXIE WHY DID YOU BUY SUCH AN EXPENSIVE ONE!!" She scolded the said boy. "It's your first birthday with us!! Of course it had to be special!!!!" He said, making a valid point. Lucy pouted a little before putting them down. 'You don't like them?" Felix asked in a small voice. "No Lixie I love them!" She got up and hugged him. "Yay!" He said. 

"The next one is from........Jisung!" She said as she read the name on the box. "The box looks quite big......." She mumbled but it was loud enough for everyone to hear it. "OPEN IT OPEN IT!!" Jisung said and Lucy did it. "A PLUSHIE!" She exclaimed and squished her cheeks. "You like it?" He asked with hopeful eyes. "I LOVE IT!!" She replied as she put the box on the bed and took another one. "Channie!" She said and as she was about to open the box but got interrupted by Chan. "I opened your gift last so open mine in the last too!" He said and Lucy stopped. "Okay then." She said as she picked up another box. 

"It's from.......Innie!" She said and opened the gift. "It's a neck cushion!" She said said cutely. "Yeah, so you won't hurt your neck while reading books!" Jeonging said with a smile. "It was so thoughtful innie thank you!" She replied.

(A/N: At this point, I ran out of gift ideas.........)

"Hyunjin!" Lucy said as she read the name on the smallest box. She opened it and saw a black box with a watch company's name on it. "A watch? wow cool!" She said.

"Yea I got it so you won't be late and then make us late too." He said, suppressing a grin. Lucy grabbed a pillow and threw it at him and they both started laughing. "You guys are so weird." Seungmin said and Jeongin nodded, agreeing with him. "That's what makes us special." Hyunjin said, picking up the pillow and throwing it back at Lucy and she caught it. "Okay so the next one is............Changbin!"

She unwrapped gift and saw a packet. "I wonder what it is...." She thought out loud and grabbed the scissors to cut open the packet. She took out a medium sized blue bag, it was plain with black zips on it. "Aww it's so cute! Just right! Plain and not too big!" She said and Changbin smiled. 

"Now for the last one, Channie's gift!"  She said and grabbed the last box. She unwrapped it and opened the box. Her eyes widened in surprise and she looked at Chan. "Funny how we both bought the same gift for each other." Chan said, giggling a little. Lucy took out the pair of Black sneakers, it had laces and unlike Chan's, they had small holes on the side. "We should wear them together some day!' She said. 

"Why not today only?" Minho suggested. 

"Yeah good idea!" She said.

"Now come on! There's another surprise!!" Jeongin exclaimed and started dragging Lucy to the door., others following behind them. "Now what?" She said while chuckling. "You'll see!" Jeongin replied. He took her to the rooftop, where she saw mats laid, enough for the 9 of them. "Stargazing?" She asked, looking at Jeongin. The boy nodded in response. "Aww you guys!" She said and pulled them in a hug. All of them heard a sniff and looked at each other. They broke the hug and looked at  Lucy. "Noona why are you crying? Did you not like it?" Minho asked. She quickly shook her head. "I love it! It's the best birthday I'VE EVER HAD! I just got a little emotional......" She said and chuckled. They all smiled proudly. "C'mon let's start, I'll tell you about some amazing constellations!" She said and walked towards the mat with the others following her. They all stargazed for a few hours and all of them started yawning. "Let's go inside it's almost 3:30 now." She said while yawning. the others obeyed and they all went in the house and slept.

A/N: OKAY! I had no intention to make this a 3 part story.......It just..............Sorta happened you know......And sorry I didn't update yesterday I was a little busy. Gosh this is the longest chapter I've ever typed. I can't believe people are reading this C'MON I'M SUCH A BAD WRITER EVEN MY IDEAS ARE STUPID!

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Enjoy your next 24 hours :D

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