|| - Hah, you Thought - ||

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— ➰➰➰➰ — 𝚆𝚑𝚢, 𝙼𝚎? — ➰➰➰➰ —

— || 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟻; 𝙷𝚊𝚑, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 || —


Kakashi stirred, registering in the back of his mind that he was on a bed.

"Why did you have to do it like that?" He heard a strangely familiar voice yell at someone Kakashi couldn't see.

"Look, I had to see if it was really him!" Another voice, Kakashi swears that he should know it, sheepishly answered.

"And why did you join in?"

"Look, he has a point, we had to see if it was really him..." That was another voice that was disturbingly familiar.

"You could have just asked me to use my eyes!"

He heard a sigh of disappointment that sounded a lot like the Hyuga princess' when she was tired of Naruto.

Hyuga princess...

Kakashi's eyes snapped open and he turned his head so fast he could have gotten whiplash.

"Hinata?" He stared at the Hyuga clan head. "What..." His eyes flicked themselves to where the two other occupants of the room were, and saw himself staring, again, at his advisor and soon-to-be successor.

[A.N: Hah you thought! Kuro Zetsu can rot 🥰]

"Sensei! You're awake! Are you alright? Those idiots didn't hurt you did they?" Hinata rushed to where Kakashi was and spread healing chakra into his forehead.

"No... No, I'm fine, thanks." Kakashi mumbled wondering why his former students were so tall.

"Y'know, It's really weird to call you sensei because you're ridiculously tiny right now," Naruto pointed out, eyeing Kakashi judging, "and you called me short when I was a green genin..."

Shikamaru sighed, and asked the real question, "Sensei, what were you doing?"

Kakashi didn't feel like talking but he told them anyway.

"You see, kids," Naruto shouted that he wasn't the kid and that Kakashi was. "Shit hit the fan with that mission."

"You shouldn't cuss in front of children Kakashi-sensei." Hinata looked like she was suppressing a smile.

"I'm the Rokudaime, in my forties, and Sharingan Kakashi without the Sharingan, let me have this please." Kakashi was perfectly aware that it was probably weird seeing your sensei and Hokage reduced to a ten year old begging for mercy. "By the way, before I was knocked out, by you guys, I felt something that gave off Zetsu-energy, what was that?" Kakashi asked, actually curious.

"Oh! That was Shikamaru's new freaky shadow jutsu that makes people feel like they're suffocating on slime, it can do a lot of weird things too..." [A.N: Reminder: This is a fucking fanfiction. haha, okay?] Naruto's expression distorted into disgust. "You don't need to know though..."

"Naruto, you were the one who wanted to watch me and Ino torture missing-nin, don't look disgusted now..." Kakashi swears that he could hear a 'Troublesome' being muttered under Shikamaru's breath.

"Ne, how long was I out? And where are we?" Kakashi inquired looking around the homey room they were in.

"You were out for less than a day and we're still in Stone country. We paid for a week's stay in a hotel, Hinata's genjutsu is top notch." Shikamaru informed while complimenting the dark-haired female.

"And we're going to save the world!" Naruto added enthusiastically.

Kakashi chuckled, "Actually, that's what I was planning too."

Hinata was analyzing Kakashi and he could feel the hair on his neck rising. "Hey, isn't it weird that sensei is a kid and we aren't?"

"Maybe that's because we haven't been born yet." Shikamaru suggested.

"That makes sense..."

"Or we're just more badass than Kaka-sensei—" Shikamaru whacked Naruto upside the head.

"So what do we do first?" The Nara asked the now ten year old.

"Why are you asking me Shikamaru?" Kakashi swallowed, he had thought that now he had backup he wouldn't be the one in charge.

"Because you're the team captain?" Shikamaru deadpanned, raising an eyebrow at the Rokudaime like he was talking to a ten year old, which he is.

"I'm old, not team captain."

"You are literally ten."

"Mentally old—" Kakashi corrected.

"Well you started this mission." Hinata butt in.

"Yeah, you did and you dragged us along." Kakashi thought he would never see the day that Naruto complains about danger.

Kakashi licked his lips under his mask in panic and looked to the bed sheets for help. "Fine, you children better not go messing up the whole world—"

"Fat chance. Narutos coming along." Shikamaru sighed and drummed his fingers on the nightstand beside the bed Kakashi was residing in.

"But doesn't everything turn out fine in the end if I come along?" Naruto questioned and scratched his whisker-scars in confusion.

"The show is called Naruto, Naruto."


— ➰➰➰➰ — 𝚆𝚑𝚢, 𝙼𝚎? — ➰➰➰➰ —

— || 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟻; 𝙷𝚊𝚑, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 || —

|| 𝙾𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚒 ||


Authors Note: This was a really short chapter, schools a bitch but I think I have a break soon, Its only 800 words, but I hope y'all enjoy this trash :D

Love you, readers!

— Banana

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