|| - Fate's New Toy - ||

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— ➰➰➰➰ — 𝚆𝚑𝚢, 𝙼𝚎? — ➰➰➰➰ —

— || 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸; 𝙵𝚊𝚝𝚎'𝚜 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚃𝚘𝚢 || —


Minato, Kakashi, and Rin were in training ground three, waiting for a certain teammate.

Kakashi was starting to get impatient—

We have been waiting for almost an hour now! Seriously, Obito, you could never be a good shinobi. Do you even read the rulebook? Ugh. Shinobi rule #9 literally, clearly states that a shinobi must never be late! Kakashi reprimanded an imaginary Obito that lives rent free in his head.

I don't even know if you are a real shinobi anymore. But, to be honest, you have okay taijutsu.. average ninjutsu, too. But you don't follow any of the shinobi rules. So, that means you aren't a shinobi. Kakashi sniffed haughtily at the imaginary Obito.

"H-hey.. Kakashi-kun.. you look- u-uh.. there's steam coming out of your ears..." Rin anxiously glanced at the steam rising from Kakashi's head.

Oh yes. My female teammate.

He turned his head, looking away, and tapped his feet on the ground impatiently, ignoring her.

Really, Rin always looks like she has a fever. Her face is always red when I look at her, her face rivals a cherry. A cherry! A shinobi must not, ever be sick. Shinobi rule #28 says that a shinobi must always be in top shape. And a sick girl is not top shape. He recited in his mind, oblivious.

Really, Kakashi thinks. The only real shinobi in his team beside himself is his sensei. But even his sensei is half a real shinobi! He shows his emotions way too much, when Shinobi rule #25 says to never show your emotions! He has the happiness syndrome, exactly like Obito.

And don't even get me started on Kushina, seriously, her hair is red! Shes so loud too, and all she eats is ramen and ramen isn't good for you and if it isn't good for you your not in top shape (not like he cares about them..[Authors note; Mhm, okay, tsundere.]) and not stealthy and shinobi rule #13 says that a ninja must always be stealthy! Kakashi ran out of breath in his head, pink dusting his cheeks because he was caught by the author.

"Hey sensei, can we start without Obito—?" Kakashi starts, impatient, but got cut off.

"Hey! Sorry 'm late!—" There was still a piece of toast in the (Kakashi's note: shinobi-but-not's) shinobi's mouth.

(Kakashi's note: This was ridiculous.) "—I had to help this old lady with her groceries and cross the road but she was really slow, and—"

"You're late." Kakashi spoke petulantly over Obito half-shouting-half-mumbling his excuse around a mouth full of bread.

"I said I was helping an old lady, jerk!" Obito huffed, annoyed that he had to repeat himself.

Kakashi crossed his arms in a rare display of childishness.

"Shinobi rule #9 says that a shinobi must never be late. And guess what you are? Late." Kakashi informed the Obito that didn't live in his head, rent free.

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